Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing methods in the world. This method of therapy is now known to very many people. As a part of TCM, acupuncture has proven itself for thousands of years. It is assumed that its history of origin goes back about 4000-5000 years. Today's complementary medicine would be unthinkable without acupuncture. Optimally, conventional and complementary medicine complement each other for the benefit of the patient.

The treatment of acupuncture points, which is done through needles, allows the trained physician or therapist to provide assistance with problems where conventional medicine has reached its limits. Acupuncture is an empirical method that has evolved over a long period of time to the present day. New knowledge is constantly being gained about the complex effects of this method on the human organism. One of the great advantages of acupuncture is that there are no side effects. 

Open book with glasses

Background to acupuncture

Interesting facts about acupuncture

Acupuncture, as we now know it in the West, has been practiced in Eastern culture for thousands of years. With us, it is, in comparison, not very long known. In this article, we would like to illuminate the background a little more.

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Two round stones under arch of wood

Meridians, Qi and more

The Mysterious Life Energy

The life energy, also called Qi is the basis of acupuncture. The needles, in the hands of an experienced doctor, have the function to regulate and influence the Qi in the body. If the Qi can flow unhindered in the body, the person is healthy on all levels.

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Word cloud with our complaint images

Acupuncture helps with these complaints

Complaints list

As an alternative, In addition to conventional medical treatments, acupuncture is gaining more and more followers. Here we show you with which complaints this method can help.

to the list of complaints

River in the mountains, in the foreground two cairns, a third cairn out of focus

The universal poles yin and yang

Everything flows "Pantha Rhei

Yin and Yang form the foundation of the entire Traditional Chinese Medicine. Every treatment method of TCM aims at balancing these two polar forces in the human being. When one of the two poles becomes too strong or too weak, it is the task of TCM to restore the balance.

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AkuPen from Simply live better with wooden packaging

AkuPen - the needle-free acupuncture

Acupuncture Self Apply

The acupuncture is one of the methods that, unlike Qi Gong or nutrition, you can not do yourself. For this you need a doctor or therapist who knows the corresponding points in which he then inserts the needles with the right depth. With the AkuPen you now have the possibility to create a similar effect. But without needles! You simply stimulate the corresponding points with the pointed end of the AkuPen. Completely painless!

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