The EX 17 Acupuncture point is located on the back of the hand between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones in the depression about a thumb's width behind the knuckles.
EX 17 — Neck Stiffness
This extra point is used as remote points for acute neck pain. Remote points are often more effective and especially safer in acute cases than locally used acupuncture points for the treatment of neck pain.
The exact location of the acupuncture point is to be found out by looking for the most sensitive spot in the indicated area, i.e. between the 2nd/3rd metacarpal bones. There you place the tip of the AkuPen and hold the pressure until the pain subsides and the head can be moved more easily.
This should be repeated every 2 hours in acute cases.
- EX 17
- Nackenstarre
Helps with:
Neck tension- Relieves neck tension
With this acupuncture point it is always possible to surprise people when a stiff neck can be moved again within a few minutes.
This acupuncture point is pressed with the tip of the AkuPen for 30 to 45 seconds, or simply until the pain stimulus dissipates.
The acupuncture point EX 17 is pressed with the thumb or middle finger in the pincer grip for 30 to 45 seconds.
Acupressure can be repeated several times a day (2 to 3 times) in case of acute problems.
The point is needled vertically, with a depth of 0.5 to 1 cun. Moxibustion is possible.
The best of acupuncture and acupressure
AkuPen with online library
When you buy the AkuPen, you get access to our online video library, where you can find many Complaint patterns find. Wolfgang shows you in the videos exactly where the acupuncture points are located and guides you through the treatment.