The acupuncture points we are looking for are located in the area of the index finger on the side facing the thumb. More precisely, on the metacarpal bone of the index finger. Here the points are lined up like on a string of pearls from the front to the back end of the bone.
These pain points can be used in addition to another acupressure program and thus increase the effect even more. For example, in the case of digestive problems, one can perform a given acupressure program and additionally use points A06, A07 and A08. In this way, one can increase the effect even more, if this is necessary.
The acupuncture points can also be used preventively by acupressing this zone regularly, 3 times a week. This is done by applying pressure with the AkuPen on each point for about 5 seconds.
Helps with:
A01: discomfort in the head, eyes, ears, mouth and nose
A02: Neck pain
A03: Pain in shoulder, elbow, wrist and arm area
A04: Dysfunction of the heart and lungs, problems in the chest and upper back.
A05: Favorable effect on liver and gallbladder.
A06: Problems with the stomach and spleen
A07: Small intestine and duodenum disorders
A08: Kidney disease, small intestine disease, large intestine disease
A09: Lower back problems, abdominal problems, large intestine and small intestine problems.
A10: discomfort in the abdomen, rectum, uterus and bladder
A11: Leg and knee complaints
A12: Pain in foot and ankle
- 12 Schmerzlinderungspunkt
- Pain relieving
- Clearing pathways
For me, these 12 points combined with the spine zone on the inside of the foot are a perfect preventative acupressure routine.
This acupuncture point is pressed with the tip of the AkuPen for 5 to 10 seconds, or simply until the pain stimulus dissipates.
The extra points A01–A12 can also be pressed with the thumbnail. Apply the pressure for 10 seconds at a time.
Not specified
The best of acupuncture and acupressure
AkuPen with online library
When you buy the AkuPen, you get access to our online video library, where you can find many Complaint patterns find. Wolfgang shows you in the videos exactly where the acupuncture points are located and guides you through the treatment.