The acupuncture points we are looking for are located in the area of the lower cervical spine and the upper thoracic spine. More precisely, in the transition area from the neck to the shoulder. The balls are located on the upper back at the level of the 1st thoracic vertebra, to the left and right of the spine.
Extra Point Neck–Shoulder
Since this zone is a sensitive area of the body, it should be worked with great sensitivity. Light pressure is the order of the day here. It is best to do the exercise on a softer surface, such as a mattress, at the beginning. This gives you the opportunity to feel how it feels, and then possibly switch to a harder surface.
Releasing this zone can trigger many positive reactions in the body, since the cerebellum is located here, among other things, in which the respiratory center is also located. Also, the important 10th cranial nerve, also called the vagus nerve, emerges from the cerebellum here and seeks its way from here to all the important organs of the body. Thus, relaxing this zone is very essential for health.
- Extrapunkt Nacken–Schulter
- Freeing lane
- Solves neck pain
- Solves shoulder pain
These acupuncture points can also be worked with AkuPen. This works best at this point with the round end of the AkuPen.
BWork with fascia balls or tennis balls. To do this, lie on the balls, which are located to the left and right of the spine, as shown in the video.
Not specified
The best of acupuncture and acupressure
AkuPen with online library
When you buy the AkuPen, you get access to our online video library, where you can find many Complaint patterns find. Wolfgang shows you in the videos exactly where the acupuncture points are located and guides you through the treatment.