The acupuncture point is located in front of the pea bone in a depression. This is located on the side of the little finger, at the level of the inner wrist crease.
Gate of the Spirit — Shén Mén
The acupuncture point Ht 07 is mainly used to strengthen the heart blood. Therefore, it is used for all blood deficiency symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, anxiety and palpitations.
It is the best point to calm the mind in case of great restlessness, worries and stress. Holding this point in bed at night is a perfect way to quiet the mind and then sleep deeply and soundly.
- 神门 (shén mén)
- He 07
- Tor des Geistes
Helps with:
ADHD, Fear, Dementia, Depression, Emotional harmonization, Hoarseness, Hot flashes, Inner restlessness, lack of concentration, Lack of concentration, Stage fright, Menstruation (absent), Nervousness, Emotional harmonization points, Restless Legs Syndrome, Sleep problems, Stress 1, Reduce stress, sadness, Overweight / Lose weightSedation point
- Calms the mind (Shen)
- Strengthens the heart blood
The name of this important acupuncture point, Shen Men, is often translated as "the divine gate". This point is extremely helpful for promoting our mental health and strengthening our resilience.
This acupuncture point is pressed with the tip of the AkuPen for 30 to 45 seconds, or simply until the pain stimulus dissipates.
If this feels uncomfortable, you can reduce the pressure or work with the round end of the AkuPen.
The acupuncture point Ht 07 is pressed lightly with the thumb for 30 to 45 seconds.
Acupressure can be repeated several times a day (2 to 3 times) in case of acute problems.
The point is needled vertically, with a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Moxibustion is possible.
The best of acupuncture and acupressure
AkuPen with online library
When you buy the AkuPen, you get access to our online video library, where you can find many Complaint patterns find. Wolfgang shows you in the videos exactly where the acupuncture points are located and guides you through the treatment.
Meridian: Heart
The heart together with the small intestine forms the PRIMARY FIRE. The element FIRE has the peculiarity that, unlike the other elements, it is formed by 4 meridians...Learn more now >
Features: Element fire
- Summer
- Bitter
- South
- Tongue
- Mania
- Joy
- Heart
- Small intestine