Acupuncture Point SI 08

Relieves pain in the neck and shoulder area

Xiăo Hăi — Sea of the Small Intestine

In addition to its positive effects on the shoulder and elbow joint, the acupuncture point also has an influence on the ears and can be used for tinnitus and hearing loss. The point also has an effect on the mind and can therefore be used in addition to the points on the heart meridian, for example in the case of anxiety.

Application:   How long should you press the acupuncture point? 30 seconds     How hard should you press the acupuncture point? medium
  • 小海 (xiăo hăi)
  • Si 08

Helps with:

Small intestine strengthening, Hot flashes, Tennis elbow
Effect from the point of view of TCM:
  • Eliminates moisture heat
  • Calms the mind (Shen)
  • Routing clearing

The small intestine has the task of separating the important from the unimportant. It can also help you to achieve more clarity about your values on a psychological level.

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Meridian: Small intestine

The small intestine is the second organ of the primary fire element. It takes over the food pulp from the stomach and then has the function of assimilating the pre-digested food components, i.e. absorbing them into the body...
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Features: Element fire
  • Summer
  • Bitter
  • South
  • Tongue
  • Mania
  • Joy
  • Heart
  • Small intestine
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