Acupuncture Point St 39

Helps with diseases of the small intestine

Lower Big Emptiness — Tiáo Kŏu

This point is used in acupuncture as a particularly effective point for strengthening the small intestine.

Application:   How long should you press the acupuncture point? 30 seconds     How hard should you press the acupuncture point? vigorous
  • 条口 (tiáo­ kŏu)
  • St 39
  • Untere große Leere

Helps with:

Small intestine strengthening, Fascialis paresis, stomach harmonizing
Effect from the point of view of TCM:
  • Satisfies pain
  • Eliminates moisture heat
  • Represents wind
  • Promotes the function of the stomach and organs

The acupuncture point St 39 is very helpful when it comes to complaints of the small intestine.

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Meridian: Stomach

The stomach, together with the spleen and pancreas, forms the element EARTH. This is a very central element as it provides most of our postnatal energy. We get about 60 % of our daily energy from the food...
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Features: Earth element
  • Late summer
  • Sweet
  • Center
  • Mouth
  • Concern
  • Compassion
  • Spleen
  • Stomach
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