Meridian Yoga Exercises
Exercise description
From a standing position, straddle the floor. One foot faces forward and the other is turned 90 degrees to the side. This creates an opening in the hips and groin area. If you can't do 90 degrees, just do a little less outside rotation in the hips.
Now bend your upper body toward the leg whose foot was turned up sideways and lightly support yourself on the lower leg. Take the other arm up and stretch it to the side until you feel a stretch over the entire upper flank. This corresponds exactly to the gallbladder meridian, which runs from the 4th toe over the outside of the leg and the flank to the shoulder and from there laterally over the head.
Frequently asked questions
Does this exercise help with gallbladder problems?
This exercise is not a substitute for a gallbladder problem, such as gallstones. Complaints with the gallbladder can develop into biliary colic and thus belong in the hands of a doctor.

Pro tip from Wolfgang
With each exhalation, you can release emotional burdens from yourself during this exercise. Because especially the wood element is a place where negative and stressful emotions are stored.
Meridian yoga exercise for the gallbladder - meridian: angle
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Most common errors
The weight is supported too much on the stretched leg.
The orientation of the pool is wrong.
The foot is not turned outward.
Training tips
If possible, always exercise in front of a mirror.
Record yourself with your smartphone and then check this video for errors.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
If this exercise is too difficult because there is an uncomfortable feeling in the back, I recommend starting with the exercise "Pigeon".
- Gall Bladder Meridian (Yang)
45 acupuncture points
Helps with...
- Liver problems
- Hip complaints
- Metabolic problems
- Digestive weakness
- Impatience