Tag Archives: Feuerelement

Qi Gong Exercise: Collect Qi

The exercise "Collect Qi" is also called "Collect Qi from all directions". You equate...

Qi Gong Exercise: Split Clouds

With the exercise "Dividing Clouds" you balance your fire element and with it a total of 4 meridian...

Qi Gong Exercise: Carrying a Bar

With the exercise "Carrying a pole" you equalize your fire element and with it a total of 4 meridians....

Qi Gong Exercise: Cloud Hands

This exercise is another way to balance your fire element. In doing so...

Qi Gong Exercise: Open Heart

With the exercise "Open the Heart", or also called "Open the Chest", we want to open the horizontal expansion...

The element of fire

If the fire element had to be described in one word, joy would be the most appropriate.


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