Tag Archives: Metallelement

Qi Gong Exercise: Yin - Yang Circles

The exercise "Yin - Yang circles" is a Qi Gong exercise to improve coordination and...

Qi Gong Exercise: Reach to the bottom of the sea

The exercise "Reaching to the bottom of the sea" is a classic Qi Gong exercise to increase the energies...


Qi Gong Exercise: Draw the Bow

The exercise "Draw the Bow" is a classical Qi Gong exercise to strengthen the lungs and...

Qi Gong Exercise: Supporting the sky with rotation

The exercise "Supporting the sky" strengthens the meridians of the lungs and large intestine. With...

Qi Gong Exercise: Open Cloud Gates

The exercise "Open Cloud Gates" is a beautiful Qi Gong exercise to stimulate the lung energy. In doing so...

The element metal

In autumn, we see everything retreating inward. Seasonally, we embark on a...


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