Reviews on
We use the paid online service for our product reviews:
CUSREV - Customer Reviews
Buyers of our products can select during the ordering process whether they are willing to provide a review of the purchased product.
Only customers who consent will receive an email 10 days after the order with a request to rate the purchased product.
In the e-mail there is a link to the homepage of CUSREV. There you can submit the product review for the purchased product.
Customers can choose between one smiley and 5 smileys:
1 smiley means: "I am completely dissatisfied",
5 smileys means, "I am completely satisfied".
This is what the evaluation form looks like:
Our customers do not have to provide a description as part of the rating. The fact that nevertheless almost all of them give a description also says something. Have fun reading.
Here you can find our reviews on the website of CUSREV:
We reserve the right to release the ratings manually. This means that every review is read by our team before it is displayed on our homepage. Completely inappropriate or misleading ratings will be disabled. not immediately free. We unlock these reviews only after we have responded to them. (It is also said that competitors buy products...and then post misleading reviews).
Regardless, we try to respond to all reviews. We would also like to learn from the reviews how to make our homepage the Chinese medicine can improve further.
If you bought and rated one of our products, we thank you very much, regardless of the number of smileys you gave our product.