Meridian Yoga Exercises
Exercise description
With the backward bend you can easily harmonize your conception vessel. Stand upright and support yourself with your hands on your lower back. Then push your pelvis forward so that the upper body makes a backward bend. Make sure that you do not overextend your head too much.
You will now feel a stretch along the front of the body. This corresponds to the KG that you open during the following breaths.
Frequently asked questions
What can I do if my back is not so flexible?
In this case, you do the rotation only to a very small extent. In this case, pay special attention to deep abdominal breathing. This will relax your back muscles via the diaphragm.
Does this exercise help with back problems?
In case of acute back problems, these should always be clarified by a doctor. Otherwise, this exercise is very helpful in solving back problems, but also as prevention.

Pro tip from Wolfgang
The backbend is a movement of the spine, which is usually missing in everyday life. Performed correctly, it helps prevent back problems.
Meridian yoga exercise for the conception vessel: backward bend
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Most common errors
The backward bend is done too intensively.
The head is placed too much in the neck and thus overstretched.
Training tips
If possible, train in front of a mirror every now and then.
Record yourself with your smartphone and then check this video for mistakes.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
This exercise is very simple and you can do it on a smaller scale if you have back stiffness. So it is possible for everyone to do this exercise.
- Conception Vessel(Yin)
24 acupuncture points
Helps with...
- Back problems
- Headache
- Pressure sensation chest
- General lack of energy
- Emotional problems