The gallbladder, together with the Liver the Element WOOD. The wood element is associated with spring and the color green. The wood element also stands for any beginning
in our lives, whether that is the early morning or we begin a new task. The wood gives us the necessary energy to make a beginning possible in the first place.
In TCM, the 5 elements are assigned properties and also the meridians and organs.
The gallbladder meridian in detail
Course of the gallbladder meridian
The gallbladder meridian starts 0.5 cun next to the corner of the eye with acupuncture point Gb 01. The meridian continues towards the ear, crossing the zygomatic bone. Now it draws... Read more now
Gallbladder meridian disorders
You can not decide
Problems with fat digestion
Tension in the shoulder and neck area
Feeling of overload
Key points of the meridian
- Head lateral
- Neck
- Hips
- Shoulders
- Foot instep
Harmony in the gallbladder meridian
Physically and mentally resilient
Decisive and determined
Good physical coordination
Ability to overview
Meridian yoga for balance of gallbladder energy
In the following I would like to introduce you to ways in which you yourself can increase your energy and vitality. One way to do this is to balance the meridian energy. You can achieve this with the exercises of Meridian Yoga in a very simple way. The exercises bring you into a state of deep calm and relaxation.
Meridian Yoga
Dove for the gallbladder meridian
With this meridian yoga exercise for the gallbladder meridian, the course in the area of the legs is specifically addressed, from the outside of the foot to the buttocks area. This gives you the opportunity to feel where you are blocked.
Meridian Yoga
Angle for the gallbladder meridian
The exercise angle brings the entire course of the gallbladder meridian into awareness like no other exercise. The exercise gives you a good sense of the course and blocked areas of this meridian.

Wolfgang's Pro Tip
Combine the two movement systems Meridian Yoga and Qi Gong and increase their effect. In the morning, when the body is still a bit stiff, you can start the day with 15 minutes of Qi Gong and get the energy you need. In the evening, you can let go of the day with 15 minutes of meridian yoga and regain your composure.
Qi Gong for balance of gallbladder energy
Another very elegant and effective way to increase your personal energy comes from TCM. Qi Gong is a millennia-old art of movement, which is one of the 5 pillars of the Chinese medicine forms. The exercises are easy to learn and here I show you my 2 favorite exercises for balancing gallbladder energy.
Qi Gong Exercise
Panning rainbow
This exercise is another way to balance your wood element. Especially the gallbladder energy is addressed in this exercise.
Qi Gong Exercise
This exercise will bring your Wood element into balance. The energies of the liver and gallbladder are harmonized and brought into flow. When feelings are suppressed or not felt, the liver qi accumulates.
Even more information about meridians and your health condition
You want to know more about your current state of health? Then take a few minutes to fill out our TCM questionnaire. This will give you information about which functional circuits of your body you can strengthen from the point of view of TCM.
Do you want to know more about the Meridians and learn the backgrounds to it? Then take a look at our meridian overview. Here you will get to know all the meridians of the body in more detail.
TCM questionnaire
Find your optimal TCM applications
We invite you to invest a few minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire. As a result, you will receive your optimal treatments with herbs, acupuncture points and Qi Gong exercises.
TCM Knowledge
All meridians in the overview
The meridians are a central concept in TCM, which we encounter again and again in acupressure as well as in Qi Gong. Knowledge of these pathways can greatly support your health.
Course of the gallbladder meridian in detail

The gallbladder meridian begins 0.5 cun next to the corner of the eye with acupoint Gb 01. The meridian continues toward the ear, crossing the zygomatic bone.
Now it moves upward to the temple area and then zigzags around the ear, then once again across the skull forward to the acupuncture point Gb 14, directly above the center of the eyebrow. In a wide arc it now goes back again to the point Gb 20 at the base of the neck muscles. Continue down along the trapezius muscle to the acupuncture point Gb 21.
The further course is at the front of the body between the large pectoral muscle and the deltoid muscle, towards a point 3 cun below the axillary fold. From here the meridian runs once briefly forward to the area below the chest to the 7th intercostal space.
From here it moves backwards to the acupuncture point Gb 25, which is located at the lower edge of the twelfth rib. The meridian now moves to the upper iliac crest and from there on to the acupuncture point Gb 30, which is located in the middle of the gluteal muscle.
On the outside of the leg it goes over the acupuncture point Gb 31 along the "trouser seam" in the direction of the knee. Just below the knee is the acupuncture point Gb 34 in a depression in front of and below the head of the fibula. It follows the fibula to the outer ankle and from there further over the dorsum of the foot and the acupuncture points Gb 41 and Gb 43 to the 4th toe, where it ends at the outer nail fold angle.