The Governing Vessel Meridian

The father of all Yang–pathways

The handlebar vessel together with the Conception Vessel the so-called "small celestial circuit" or microcosmic circuit. The Governing Vessel is seen as the source of all Yang meridians.

No organs in the classical sense are assigned to these two special meridians. These two are the first meridians, which are already formed in the womb. From them arise the remaining 12 Meridians.

Diagram showing the course of the handlebar vessel meridian

In TCM, the 5 elements are assigned properties and also the meridians and organs.

The handlebar vessel meridian in detail

Course of the handlebar vessel meridian

The Governing Vessel originates in the uterus, or in the case of men, in the deep abdomen (belly). It comes to the surface in the area of the perineum and then runs along the spine upwards to the nape of the neck, where the acupuncture point GV 16the so-called "jade cushion" is located. At this point, this meridian connects to the brain in a branch. Further it then rises upwards to the highest point of the head, the acupuncture point GV 20, also called baihui. From here it runs down the center of the forehead and face to the upper lip, where it connects with the conception vessel.

Disturbances in the handlebar vessel meridian

  • Headache
  • Spine problems

Key points of the meridian

  • Sacrum
  • Spine
  • Cervical spine

Harmony in the Governing Vessel Meridian

  • Healthy back
  • Strong and flexible spine
  • Good supply of the brain

GV 16

Location acupuncture point Lg 16 graphic

GV 17

Location acupuncture point Lg 17 graphic

GV 20

Location acupuncture point Lg 20 graphic


These are the 3 best acupuncture points to rebalance the Governing Vessel meridian.

Meridian Yoga for balance of the Governing Vessel Energy

 In the following I would like to introduce you to ways in which you yourself can increase your energy and vitality. One way to do this is to balance the meridian energy. You can achieve this with the exercises of Meridian Yoga in a very simple way. The exercises bring you into a state of deep calm and relaxation.

Wolfgang doing the meridian yoga exercise roundback for the handlebar vessel with stretch line drawn in

Meridian Yoga

Roundback for the handlebar vessel meridian

With this meridian yoga exercise For the handlebar vessel meridian, the whole course is specifically addressed, from the tip of the coccyx to the top of the head. This gives you the opportunity to feel where you are blocked.

Learn more now

Wolfgang doing the meridian yoga exercise swivel seat for the handlebar vessel with watchpoints drawn in

Meridian Yoga

Swivel seat for the handlebar vessel meridian

The swivel seat brings you into good contact with your spine through the twisting motion. This allows tension in the deep back muscles to relax, leading to better spinal alignment.

Learn more now

Portrait of Wolfgang Stemer for my TCM Qi Gong Academy, Simply Live Better

Wolfgang's Pro Tip

Combine the two movement systems Meridian Yoga and Qi Gong and increase their effect. In the morning, when your body is still a bit stiff, you can start the day with 15 minutes of Meridian Yoga and get the energy you need. In the evening, you can let go of the day with 15 minutes of Qi Gong and thus come to rest again.

Qi Gong for balance of the Governing Vessel energy

Another very elegant and effective way to increase your personal energy comes from TCM. Qi Gong is a millennia-old art of movement, which is one of the 5 pillars of the Chinese medicine forms. The exercises are easy to learn and here I show you my favorite exercise to balance the handlebar vascular energy.

Wolfgang doing the Qi Gong exercise Spinal Breathing (5 Elements Qi Gong)

Qi Gong Exercise

Spinal Breathing

This qigong exercise balances your energy system by specifically balancing the conception vessel meridian, on the front of the body, and the handlebar vessel on the back of the body.

Exercise explanation with video description

Even more information about meridians and your health condition

You want to know more about your current state of health? Then take a few minutes to fill out our TCM questionnaire. This will give you information about which functional circuits of your body you can strengthen from the point of view of TCM. 

Do you want to know more about the Meridians and learn the backgrounds to it? Then take a look at our meridian overview. Here you will get to know all the meridians of the body in more detail.

Teaser image with Wolfgang for the TCM questionnaire

TCM questionnaire

Find your optimal TCM applications

We invite you to invest a few minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire. As a result, you will receive your optimal treatments with herbs, acupuncture points and Qi Gong exercises.

To the questionnaire

Graphic with the meridians of Chinese medicine

TCM Knowledge

All meridians in the overview

The meridians are a central concept in TCM, which we encounter again and again in acupressure as well as in Qi Gong. Knowledge of these pathways can greatly support your health.

All meridians of Chinese medicine