Eye problem

... five acupuncture points for eye diseases

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Acupuncture Points

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TCM herbs

Wolfgang's herbs tips

TCM Herbal Blend - The Peaceful Turtle by Anshen Herbs
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The peaceful turtle
For more peace and serenity
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Chinese herbal mixture of Anshen Herbs.

Deeply relaxed. All day long.

Dietary supplements according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. They contain only herbs available without prescription.

240 tablets
TCM Herbal Blend W25 - Shen to rest by Dr. Weidinger
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Weidinger W25
Shen to rest
incl. VAT
Chinese Herbal Blend W25 (Suan Zao Ren Tang, expanded and modified) according to Dr. med. Georg Weidinger.

Application for:
Shen disturbances with restlessness, irritability, restlessness, restless depression, difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep interrupted by frequent waking, palpitations (especially with mental restlessness); with empty heat and night sweats, with dry mouth, with dizziness; with Rising heat such as heartburn or menopausal symptoms, ringing in the ears.

240 tablets
TCM Herbal Blend W35 - Forever young by Dr. Weidinger
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Weidinger W35
Forever young
incl. VAT
Chinese herbal mixture W35 according to Dr. med. Georg Weidinger.

Jing blend to age well: The Jing is strengthened, the heat of life is cooled, the BL and the Qi are moved, at the same time you can become a little more relaxed and sleep better as a result - the "ultimate vitamin anti-aging tonic"!

240 tablets
Qi Gong
Wolfgang's Qi Gong Tips
Cover picture for Qi Gong course for beginners with Wolfgang in picture
Qi Gong course for beginners and slightly advanced students
In this course you will learn the 8 best Qi Gong exercises for beginners. The exercises are simple, but very effective. They are explained in great detail in several videos, just as they would be in a one-on-one training. The 8 Qi Gong exercises have been proven in practical work with people of all ages.

This Qi Gong exercises are also available for Beginners easy to learn.
Background information

TCM background information


Gb 20 "Wind Pond" - Fengchi

One of the main points for eye discomfort and ear problems.


  - Location:

In the depression between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius muscle. On a level with LG16


- Helps with:

Neck pain, neck stiffness (due to drafts), headaches, dizziness, fear of heights, blurred vision, tinnitus and hearing loss, memory impairment.



This is an important point in order to achieve inner and outer Wind to eliminate. Especially when it manifests itself in neck stiffness and headaches. In combination with Lu07, the Wind-Cold eliminates. To eliminate Wind-Heat, GB20 is combined with Di04 and 3E05.


It is an important point because it forms the transition from the spine to the brain. This point (occipital area) should be free of blockages so that the brain is optimally supplied and can work smoothly.


Gb 14 "Yang-white" - Yangbai

Important point for headache and sinus problems


 - Location:

1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow


- Helps with:

Headache, fascial paresis, sinus problems, burning eyes, twitching of the eyelid, defective vision, night blindness



This point acts as a Local Point for headaches when they are in the course of the gallbladder meridian, that is, on the side of the temples. But it is also effective for unilateral forehead headache.


Bl 02  "Folded bamboo" - Zanzhu

Important local point of influence for the eyes


   - Location:

At the inner end of the eyebrow


- Helps with:

Forehead headache, stuffy nose, defective vision, eye redness, eye problems, hay fever.



This is an important local point for the eyes. It expels external wind from the face. Therefore, it is helpful in facial stics, fascial paresis and trigenimus neuralgia.


Since Bl02 also soothes the liver, it can be used for all liver patterns: red eyes, blurred vision, mouches volantes and headaches around the eyes or behind the eyes.


PaM-3 "Seal Hall" - Yintang

Master point for headaches and stuffy nose


- Location:

In the middle between the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, at its deepest point.


- Helps with:

Eye diseases, nasal congestion, insomnia, headache (especially in the forehead area), dizziness, sinusitis,



This point is called the master point for headache and nose. Together with Bl 02 it has an even stronger effect. But it also has a strong mental calming effect.


This point is also called the upper dantien. Dantien means as much as "Sea of Energy. The lower dantien is the KG 6 point, the middle dantien is the CV 17 point and the upper one is the PaM-3 point.


PaM means: point outside the meridians. These are points that are very effective from the millennia-old tradition, but just do not lie on any of the classical meridians.


There are a total of 48 such extra points, as they are also called.


Lv 03  "Big meeting" - Taichong

Source Point of the liver meridian, most important point on the liver meridian


- Location:

on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd toes, at the end of the "groove".


- Helps with:

Migraine with sensitivity to light, menstrual problems, nausea, abdominal pain, general tension relieving, constipation.



This is an important point to eliminate Fullness in the liver, it is somewhat milder in effect than Le02.


It has a special effect on cramps and increased muscle contraction.


It has a profound and calming effect on the psyche and is an important point for very tense, impatient and stressed people. This function is lacking in the point Le 02. For this purpose, the point is often used together with Di4. Together they belong to the most important acupuncture points and are called the "Four Gates".