Plantar fascilitis
... four points for relief

Wolfgang's herbs tips
Helps with:
In case of difficult blood circulation from head to toe, which are accompanied by blood stasis. Typical signs include increased discomfort after lack of exercise, such as cold hands or feet, discomfort in the chest or legs during exercise, age-related dizziness, and similar symptoms of blood stasis.
Dietary supplement according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Contains only herbs available without prescription.
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Application for:
Stomach complaints, abdominal pain and nausea, difficult digestion, intestinal complaints (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea), elevated liver values, COPD, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, type 1 allergies (pollen, grass, house dust, animal hair). Very good for children to treat childhood illnesses that do not really break out.
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Wolfgang's Qi Gong Tips
If you do Qi Gong for preventive reasons, it is quite possible to achieve good results with 15 minutes of daily practice. If you have a complaint, it is recommended to practice 2 times 15 minutes daily or 30 minutes at a time daily.
Basically, it is better to do 6 times 15 minutes Qi Gong, than once 1.5 hours. Therefore, I show you here a short variant of the 5 elements Qi Gong.

TCM background information

Ki 01 "Bubbling Spring" - Yongquan
Grounding point in qigong, sedation point of the kidney meridian, strengthens kidney yin
- Location:
In a depression on the middle of the sole of the foot, between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones. Between the ball of the big toe and the ball of the little toe in a depression.
- Helps with:
Sleep disorders, tension in the back (with fullness condition) headache (vertex), mind calming, anxiety, panic attacks, listlessness, impotence, dizziness.
It is through this point that one grounds oneself in Qi Gong. Here the energy system of man connects with the earth. Therefore, in qigong, one imagines deep and strong roots growing from this point down into the earth.
Ni01 is the resuscitation point for collapse and unconsciousness. It must be pressed a little harder with a pointed object such as an acupuncture.
This point has a general lowering function of qi, so if you want to bring energy from the head down to the feet, similar to the effect of Le02.
Ki 03 "Great torrent" - Taixi
Source Point of the kidney meridian, strengthens the kidney yang and kidney yin
- Location:
On the midline of the line connecting the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. A pulse is also palpable there.
- Helps with:
chronic low back pain, knee problems, coldness in the body, micturition disorders (problems with urination), sleep disorders, tinnitus, male and female infertility, loss of libido, fatigue, anxiety, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, hypermenorrhea
Sp 04 "Grandson of the Duke" - Gongsun
Strengthens spleen and stomach
- Location:
The point is located at the proximal (near-body) end of the 1st metatarsal, between red and white "flesh".
- Helps with:
Menstrual problems, gynecological pain, stomach pain, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, great restlessness, indigestion, diarrhea.
This point is mainly used for fullness patterns of the stomach and spleen. So when too much moisture blocks the stomach or rebellious stomach qi. But also with abdominal pain, which is based on fullness, the point MP4 is helpful.

The word Qi Gong consists of 2 syllables - Qi and Gong. The Chinese term "Qi" can be translated for us most likely by "life energy". But it contains more than this. It also means breath and air. In Chinese medicine, Qi is considered to be the invigorating force that flows through all living things. However, Qi is not only inside the body of a living being, but also outside. Qi also shows itself to us in nature. Thus animals, flowers and trees are flowed through by Qi. Qi is the living force that is inherent in everything and that makes life possible.
The Japanese call this force "Ki". In India it is called "Prana". It always means the same thing - the power and energy that is inherent in everything and keeps us alive. In Chinese medicine, health is only possible when the Qi in our body is pure, not polluted and can flow freely.
Due to bad living habits, in the course of time, energy blockages can occur in the body system and as a result, diseases can manifest, which can be physical or psychological in nature. Generally speaking, we can say that a living person has Qi throughout the body.
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The herbal therapy is called "the queen of TCM" in traditional Chinese medicine. This underlines its high status. Herbs form an important foundation of TCM and have a profound effect on the human organism. They can replenish deficiencies, expel states of fullness, warm or cool the body. They are generally referred to as herbs. Nevertheless, minerals are also used in the recipes.
Herbs are usually prescribed after a thorough diagnosis by a doctor. In this diagnosis, in addition to a conversation, attention is paid to the pulse, tongue and overall appearance of the person. Nevertheless, there are herbal mixtures that have proven themselves over the centuries for various problems.