From the book of the Yellow Emperor
What is the secret of the art of cooking?
All life originates in water and comes from water. When it rains, plants thrive beautifully! (Wood) The wood of the trees feeds the fire and the fire burns everything to ashes and dust. (Earth) In the earth, deep in the mountains, the crystals and minerals (metal) are hidden. If the water runs through the mountain, it is enriched with minerals.
We use this principle of life in the art of cooking! We start in the element earth and fry in hot fat onions, as well as vegetables and egg whites. Season with pepper and salt, add parsley and round off with turmeric.
Very simple. Very effective. Transforming.
Foreign substances are converted into energy.
You would also only fill up a great, fast sports car with the best fuel so that it doesn't jerk and drives smoothly. So give your body the best food and thus the best energy. Otherwise, you may soon have to take it to the workshop.
The best is not always the most expensive, the best is in the simple:
- Eat seasonally, regionally and cook fresh.
- Avoid frozen foods, microwave, induction stove, ready-made sauces and packaged soups
- Eat little sugar and instead crunchy, fresh and vital.
Health = the result of your lifestyle
Create a wholesome environment around you!
Pay attention to good living conditions, connect with nature, and do as the Dalai Lama says: "Devote yourself to love and cooking with all your heart."
Love heals everything and good food keeps body and soul together.
Environmental toxins burden us like never before. Medicines have side effects. Therefore, let your food be your remedy. Take responsibility for yourself and live in such a way that illness cannot develop in the first place.
Qi-less food is worthless!
Anything denatured, that is, altered by industry, or broken down into its component parts, or packaged in pills, is Qi-less. Microwaving destroys the cell structure of the food and so the dish becomes qi-less and your body doesn't know what to do with it. So it puts it on and you get fatter and fatter. Stay natural - eat natural!
Avoid frozen foods. You can measure the vitamin content in the lab, but the Qi of frozen food is significantly lower than that of fresh fruits, vegetables or meat. Stay fresh and crisp - eat fresh and crisp!
Qi + The secret of cooking
Qi is multipliable and directable. This is the secret of Qi Gong and Chinese medicine, the secret of acupuncture and meridian massage, the secret of herbalism and the secret of cooking.
Each food has a specific effect.
You can do good for yourself every day!
If your Qi is weak, you feel tired, in a bad mood, prone to illness and sleep poorly. You have no power! If you then eat junk food, packaged soups and frozen food, the spiral goes down.
So? Cook yourself Qi-rich, powerful power food.
This makes you happy, fit, efficient and healthy.
Cook your way to balance!
If it is hot and humid in the body, it is a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. These can multiply wonderfully in humid heat.
Then it is necessary to bring the body back into harmony from this unfavorable climate, that is, to dry moisture and cool heat.
If it is cold outside, we heat the stove. If the body is cold and rigid, it must be warmed. TCM works according to this very simple principle!
Everything is rooted in yin and yang.
Don't put everything under the microscope or you will lose sight of the big picture. If you know how heaven and earth work, then you can react and correct instinctively.
So sit down and observe.
If it's cold outside, you'll dress warmly...go by this principle....observe:
Is it a dry or wet cough, is it heat with red cheeks and head pressure? Are you too cold and your hands and feet are freezing? Bring yourself into harmony with the right foods - cooling or warming - and herbs.
For example, what do you eat when you come home stressed, sweaty, with a red face and a headache from being angry too? (Anger and rage are very hot) You need to be chilled! With the sweet taste and cool and cold foods, such as tomatoes, melons and vegetables.
But if you grill pepper steak or order chili, you're going to hit the ceiling.
Everything has been documented for thousands of years. What works hot (Yang) and what works cold (Yin), which organ system one reaches and which emotions.
Cook your way to balance!
Stay in harmony with yourself
You can have created an energetic winter in your body even in summer. That is, cold can be in you even in summer, through too much cold food, too much raw food and ice cream. Then you can help yourself with warming dishes. What warms? Hot spices, soups and all fall and winter recipes.
In winter, despite the external cold, you may have generated heat inside you, e.g. through stress or anger. Then keep your hands off spicy food! Observe yourself and look again and again that you return to harmony.
Create the best conditions with TCM, prepare the field, so to speak, so that health grows out of it.
Food is health care and nutrition = medicine.
Our body is a hormone factory. We can create happiness hormones with the right nutrients. Hormones govern us and play together like an orchestra in our body.
Hippocrates already knew this, he said "Let your food be your remedy", Hildegard von Bingen knew it and TCM has documented the effect of food for over 3000 years.
Let's use this knowledge, let's let our body play a beautiful melody, so that we can become ancient and have many new experiences, so that we can be healthy and happy on a healthy planet in the midst of our children and grandchildren.
Have fun cooking! Have fun eating! Feel Good!
Create the best conditions with TCM, prepare the field, so to speak, so that health grows out of it.
Li Auer, TCM Expert,
The Tyrolean Li combines the millennia-old wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with grandmother's cuisine and also seduces you on a culinary trip around the world.
Li Auer, TCM Expert,
7 1⁄2 Tips from Li Auer for a New Body Feeling
- Eat less meat - twice a week is enough
instead of meat take legumes or mushrooms as a source of protein - Fish, olive oil and omega 3 oil have a life-prolonging effect
- Complex carbohydrates are good carbohydrates
They promote the release of the feel-good hormone serotonin. Serotonin makes you happy! It relaxes and also ensures a calm, restful sleep. - The healthiest nutrition is provided by foods that grow in season in their respective regions.
- Avoid sugar where you can - it triggers inflammation and supports tumor growth.
- Eat less dairy products.
- Practice Qi Gong! Move in the fresh air.
- the 7 1⁄2e ...
leave a long meal break between evening meal and breakfast