Meridian Yoga Exercises
Exercise description
Get into mountain pose by pushing your pelvis up toward the ceiling from the four-foot stance. You are forming an inverted triangle or mountain. Let your heels sink towards the floor and feel the intense stretch along the back of your legs.
At the same time, push your upper body through your arms so that your arms and upper body form a line. This creates a stretch in the chest area and a stretch line along the inside of the arms. This is where the meridians of the heart and circulation run.
After taking 3 breaths in this challenging position, lower yourself back to the floor.
Now press your upper body upward with your arms at your sides. Look slightly obliquely forward into the floor so as not to overstretch your neck. Here you open the sternum area, i.e. the zone of the heart.
Again, take a few deep breaths in and out and imagine fresh energy flowing towards the heart.
Frequently asked questions
Does this exercise help with circulation problems?
This exercise can certainly help with circulation problems. High blood pressure should always be clarified by a doctor to get to the bottom of the causes. In case of low blood pressure, this exercise is perfect to get the circulation going.
Pro tip from Wolfgang
With each exhalation, you can release emotional burdens during this exercise. Because especially the heart shell is a place where negative and stressful emotions are stored, as every body therapist knows.
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Most common errors
The legs are stretched through, although the back of the leg tends to shorten.
The heels are not allowed to sink in the mountain position.
In the cobra position, the pelvis sags too much.
Training tips
If possible, always exercise in front of a mirror.
Record yourself with your smartphone and then check this video for errors.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
If this exercise is too difficult due to lack of strength, you can alternatively use the Shell Stretch Exercise to activate the heart and heating circuit. This is done by placing the palms of the hands on the floor to address the cardiovascular meridian.
- Cardiovascular meridian (Yin)
9 acupuncture points
Helps with...
- Cardiovascular problems
- Blood pressure problems
- Emotional problems
- Unrest
- Nervousness