Product presentation from Wolfgang
So that everyone can "Self-Acupuncture" can apply, we show in many videos the use of the AkuPens. So everyone can find the acupuncture points quickly and easily and can use the pen optimally.
Complaints like Neck tension, sleep problems, allergies and many more can be treated successfully by yourself.
You suffer from low back pain, digestive problems, headaches or just feel tired and lacking energy? The chinese medicine can help with all these problems, and has been doing so for over 2500 years completely without side effects.
Acupuncture and acupressure are applied. By means of these two therapeutic methods the body's own Life energy, the so-called Qi, balanced again. If the Qi can flow freely in the body, then we are healthy and full of energy from the eastern point of view.
The AkuPen combines the best of acupuncture and acupressure. Almost as sharp as a needle, it can be used to find the right acupuncture point to the millimeter.
This works quite easily. Simply unscrew the cap of the AkuPen and use the tip to find the most painful acupuncture points. Stimulate this point until the pain dissipates. Thus, you have an acupressure, but due to the tip of the pen has a similar effect as the treatment with a needle.
This intense stimulus triggers a strong effect in the body.
When the pain subsides, it is a sign that the energy is flowing and the blood circulation is optimal again. The body's self-healing powers are activated and thus discomfort can dissolve.
The beauty of the AkuPen is that it is always with you, because you can attach it to your keychain. So you always and everywhere have the opportunity to do something good for a few minutes.
Whether on the bus, in the park or in the office. Wherever there is a few minutes break, this is the optimal time to regenerate and strengthen from the inside out.
We at Simply Better Living are always looking for looking for ways to "simply live life better". That's exactly why we developed the AkuPen. It is easy to use, effective and is based on millennia-old knowledge.
What can be treated with the AkuPen?
- Diseases of the digestive system,
such as gastritis, stomach discomfort, nausea, constipation - Respiratory diseases,
such as asthma, bronchitis, pollen allergy, cold or flu. - Diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
Pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, ischialgia, shoulder pain, arthritis complaints, etc. - Supportive for skin diseases,
such as neurodermatitis, inflammatory skin disease - Neurological diseases,
such as headaches, migraines and dizziness - Sleep disorders, inner restlessness, cystitis, high blood pressure,
Exhaustion, depression
Heike Fath -
Super, die zwei unterschiedlichen Enden. Super Erklärung, den richtigen Punkt zu finden!
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Angela -
Gut anzuwenden und schönes Design
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Therese L. -
Ich muss mich erst einarbeiten
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Reinhold -
I have been using the Akupen for 2 weeks now and am very happy with it. I would personally buy it again.
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Andrea Nagelstrasser -
I can highly recommend the AkuPen ♡. A really great product...also the online library that you can use with very competent, great videos. It makes it much easier to find the right point step by step, especially if you are still a beginner in this field. ☆☆☆☆☆
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Renate S. -
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Tina -
The AkuPen is comfortable to hold and makes work easier. Many thanks for that!
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Bettina Pfeifer -
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Antje Lüddecke -
The AkuPen was delivered quickly and in good condition.
The video instructions that have been made available for this purpose are very clear and offer further extensive knowledge.
I am very happy to recommend this AkuPen.
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Agnes Rauch -
The Akupen is great, exactly as described in the video. However, the promised video instructions are missing from my delivery. Kind regards Agnes
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Claudia -
Super handy and practical. I use it every day.
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Claudia -
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Johann W. -
With acupuncture, the individual acupuncture points can be addressed and activated very well.
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Philip -
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Thomas Klüpfel -
The AkuPen is a Christmas present for my wife. I know you well from my wife's morning QiGong exercises. Best regards
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Günter Schuler -
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Katja F. -
Your Akupen is exactly what I was looking for. It has a good weight, is great to hold and I can use it in many different ways. I would also like to praise your TCM lexicon with the most important points. As a therapist, I also like to look at it again because it simply gives me good ideas. Thank you very much! Great product 🙂
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Karin F. -
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Frank R. -
The combination of the pointed end and the round end is good and makes sense. It combines acupressure and acupuncture very well.
The AkuPen sits comfortably in the hand.
The videos for learning are also good. I personally find this better than the descriptions in a book.
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Stefanie -
Everything as expected . Great 😀
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Uwe -
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Jutta R. -
Very good product! Simple but efficient. Thank you.
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Renate H. -
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Thomas Schulz -
Very good pen and very good service
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Elisabeth Willensdorfer -
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Joachim Wydra -
Very satisfied, exceeds my expectations.
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Andrea P. -
I've had this AkuPen for just under a week now and wouldn't want to be without it. It is high quality, feels good in the hand and you can hit the right points very precisely. I am happy to recommend it to others and would like to say thank you, of course, for everything that the purchase of this pen has opened up for me......... The extensive knowledge on very different levels and the library....... I am thrilled, and yes, very grateful. Kind regards.
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Monika Ladarevic -
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Marion G. -
A really great pen. Very good quality and sits well in the hand. I can only recommend it to others.
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Bärbel John -
An ingenious pen!
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Veronika P. -
Everything has worked great so far. The pen sits comfortably in the hand and during the guided stimulation of the trigger points you immediately notice that it "tingles". This gives me the confident feeling that it is very effective. How and whether my complaints: Head-back-foot pain will be positively influenced by it in the long term remains to be seen. In any case, I am very impressed and would say that the investment was worthwhile.
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Christine Schmid -
I now have 4 acupoints at home so that I have them to hand everywhere. I use these acupoints a few times a day, for example at the peak of the meridian I treat the large intestine, stomach + spleen points in the morning; the heart, small intestine + bladder around midday and kidney points in the evening ... some points also several times a day depending on need and complaints. I am very happy to know this acupoint treatment.
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Elfriede Siegel -
I use the Akupen every day and am absolutely convinced of its effect. I am grateful that I can do something for my own health with the Akupen
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Heike -
Dear team, a great product to activate the individual points even more specifically. I also think the detailed video instructions and the additional information, such as the herbal recommendations, are great.
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Beate H. -
Great product! I would never have thought that the effect of acupressure with AkuPen - in my case - is much stronger than without it. For me, the advantage over acupuncture is that I can vary the pressure with the AkuPen. This allows me to adapt the treatment to my body's reaction.
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Claudia -
The AkuPen is very comfortable to hold and has a pleasant weight. The videos are also very well explained for non-experts and you can find the points you are looking for.
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heinrich meisl -
very good explanations:short and concise
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Ulrike D. -
The Akupen is great and the accompanying video instructions are simply brilliant. Thank you very much!
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Jürgen -
I've only just finished the instructions - but they're great! Still working with my hands!
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Lydia -
The Akupen is beautifully designed and easy to handle.
Unfortunately, the sealing ring on the cap is always loose or gets "stuck" in the packaging.
Otherwise, I am satisfied.
Thank you very much!
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Sandra S. -
I am very satisfied
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Barbara Stopfer -
I have been using the Akupen for a week now and I am totally thrilled!!! It makes a huge difference whether you press the acupuncture points with your finger or with the Akupen! You can immediately find the epicenter of the pain and my tension in my neck has already improved significantly! The video instructions make it easier to find the acupuncture points!
Conclusion: Absolute buy recommendation!
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Sabine Graf -
Fast delivery, very good handling
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Jutta Leodolter -
Dear Wolfgang and team, you are doing a great job! THANK YOU for that! The acupuncture is great and the video instructions and all the content you provide are really great! I really enjoy it and already realize how good self-acupuncture is for me. Best regards, Jutta Leodolter
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Anne-Kathrin -
Thank you very much for the Acupen. It is very helpful, especially in combination with the extensive descriptions of important acupuncture points and symptoms. As I am a TCM therapist myself, I have ordered it so that I can also give patients a recommendation for self-application.
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Norma S. -
The Akupen was the best purchase I have made recently. In combination with Wolfgang's video instructions, self-acupressure is easy and effective to use. Up to now I have practiced this with my thumb, index or middle finger, but the Akupen is much more precise and helps me to apply the right amount and depth of pressure just by its own weight.
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Anonymous -
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Philippe Naef -
Small pen, big effect. I am very satisfied.
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Margit Stecher-Hummer -
Dear Wolfgang, thank you very much for sending me the AkuPen. The order and delivery went really well and I am glad that I now have this pen. I get on very well with it, it feels good in the hand and acupressure and acupuncture feel good. I am slowly working through your video instructions, there is a lot in there for me. Your explanation and instructions are calm, easy to understand and easy to follow. I am currently doing a special program with an oncologist to help alleviate the side effects of the anti-hormone therapy.
Many thanks to you and your team
Margit Stecher-Hummer
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Max Ineichen -
The explanations are also great
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Chiu Teng Chua -
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Elfriede -
Good explanation and handling
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Monika Frick -
Works really well with the pen, thank you!
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Dr. Maike Juergens -
Yes, very good, but I'm missing the application description, and the video doesn't give any times either, unfortunately
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Marina -
Hello Mrs. Jürgens. Thank you very much for your review. There is a description of how to use the AkuPen at the very beginning of the video library. Perhaps you have overlooked this. As far as the individual points are concerned, there is a description of how to find each acupuncture point and how to apply acupressure to it. As for the duration of the application, there is no standard statement that is suitable for everyone. We hold the points in the video for between 30 and 45 seconds. In practice, you hold the point until the pain stimulus at the point dissipates, which can sometimes be as little as 20 seconds. Please understand that it is only possible to give an approximate duration of between 30 and 45 seconds, as everyone reacts differently. You will also find acupressure programs under the individual symptoms, which in my experience have proven effective for these problems. I hope you enjoy using the AkuPen. With best regards Wolfgang Stemer.
Marc -
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Carina -
Better than expected! Easy to use, brilliant in its effect & super valuable explanatory videos.
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Renate Schneider -
Very satisfied, the explanations are also great
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Klaus -
Works well and the instructions in particular are very helpful...
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Klaus-Jürgen -
Fast delivery here too, despite the annual transition. Highly recommended!
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Christian Steiner -
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Laura B. -
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Jörg Wildner -
Super workmanship, and above all great explanations
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Ursula Haffner - Heid -
The AkuPen is of very high quality. A classy look
and when not in use
very well protected.
It makes it easier to find the acupoints.
In addition, there are free educational videos that are very informative and easy to understand, even for non-experts.
I can highly recommend the product choice, use and appearance.
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Gerhard D. -
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Adelheid Zauner -
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Gudrun Loose -
The instructions for the pin are very good, I get along very well with the picture and word explanations.
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Kathrin Lingenhag -
Simply brilliant!
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Anonymous -
Everything is fine 🍀!
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Anke Auer -
Fast delivery. Great instructional videos that make it easy to use the AkuPen even as a layman. First improvements already noticeable - many thanks!
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Natia W. -
I ordered the acupen mainly because of a tennis elbow. Since I have been following "Simply Live Better" for a while, I was sure that the acupuncture instructions were also very good - and they really are!
It feels like the problems in the elbow come from the shoulder, so I'm working those points as well - and I'm amazed that at the same time my ringing in my ears is subsiding.
Overall, I learn to appreciate the holistic approach of TCM and your understandable explanations more and more!
One of the few sites that do not become esoteric in the process!
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Matthias von Hintzenstern -
I have "needled" myself and am very excited about the accuracy of the Aku-Pen. Fantastic! Also the 2nd side with the ball. A real advancement in acupuncture Thank you very much for this innovation! Matthias von Hintzenstern, musician
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Ina P. -
Just great the battery pen is very good in the hand very good quality and the videos are very well explained have so far found all the points and apply the Akkupen almost every day even with my acquaintances he already came to use the price is thus justified
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Margriet -
Very good video's and easy to follow along yourself.
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Helga Tiess -
Wonderful 💖🙏🥰Thank you 🙏💖🥰
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Jennifer -
Is much in use! Super!
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Birgit -
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Ernst S. -
Good handling, super videos for pinpoint use. Keep up the good work!
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Theo -
Handmade in Austria, high quality material, great workmanship. With access to video instructions from Wolfgang himself, the price is in the upper range of my financial acceptable range. Greetings from Theo
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markus z. -
perfect acupuncture pen grade the tip needle
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Christiane S. -
Really well thought out, good quality, versatile, very detailed video material
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Anita -
Good product, fits well in the hand, top
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Edgar -
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Birgit Bernard -
I am very happy with the acupuncture and get along very well
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Sonja Radtke -
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Inge -
The acupuncture pen actually has additional qualities that cannot be achieved with pure finger pressure acupressure. Whereby I first search for the acupressure points with the finger. By massaging with the fingertip, I reach the desired points more easily at first. When I am sure I can find the point, I use the acupressure pen. The videos help wonderfully. A big thank you to Wolfgang Stemer.
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Hansjörg E. Spahr -
Very good acute puncture pen with the right dimensions. The AkuPen belongs in every household.
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Günter B. -
Ingenious this acupuncture pen and the video instructions
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Stella Russo -
A very good investment. The pen is simply ingenious.
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Ursula S. -
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Daniela S. -
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Gabriele Tikovits -
Use the AkuPen for headaches and am always amazed by the quick effect.😊
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Uwe Fricke -
The AkuPen is for me a very excellent addition to my current weekly acupuncture sessions with the TCM healer. It shows me the points that I can press daily until the next session. This is an optimal supplement.
In addition, the description of the individual acupuncture points on the homepage of Wolfgang Stemer "" is vivid, clear and self-explanatory, as well as described with the most important instructions, so that the application with the AkuPen can be carried out very easily and accurately.
The AkuPen together with the homepage are a great enrichment for the treatment in the field of TCM.
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Manuela Heinzmann -
Super genieal
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Magdalena Frieda V. -
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MA -
Very good product and excellent instructions. Top!
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Christine L. -
The handling of the AkuPen is very easy once you have determined the pressurization points correctly. Despite good video instructions, this often causes me difficulties, because my proportions are distributed differently than those of Wolfgang.
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Karola -
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Frank Berthold -
A really great product, I still have to practice a bit to find the points exactly, otherwise a really great product thank you for it
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Christine Frommelt -
very helpful
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Gerhard Hahn -
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Jens J. -
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Pawel M. -
Super part for self-help. The videos are (as always with Wolfgang) very clear and helpful.
Even my doctor wants to order one now.
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Cathrin Weith -
Exactly what I was looking for. Very effective.
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Anton -
Has already proven itself, although I still need some practice! Excellent support. Kind regards Anton
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Ursula F. -
I find the acupen good to find the specific points and it is easier to apply the pressure than with the finger. Also, certain points on the foot are easier to reach for me with the acupen.
The video tutorial is very understandable. I am just getting further into the subject and therefore cannot give any further opinion yet.
Am absolutely satisfied with the purchase and the practical wooden case I also like very much.
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Silke S. -
The AkuPen is really great, because you hit with the tip exactly the point to be treated. The videos are very well explained and it is for every ache to find the right acupoint 👍
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Markus M. -
Good instructions and good product
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Maria Salvenmoser -
A brilliant pen...highly recommended
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Nicole -
Stumbled upon Qigong by accident and saw the AkuPen in other explainer videos.
I am very satisfied! The videos are easy to copy and super understandable explained. The AkuPen I have stehts with me and if yet forgotten or not packed help the fingers also times out😊. I can only recommend it, because my pain in the wrists have changed massively for the better.
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Gabriella -
Very practical, fits well in the hand. The video tutorial is helpful and instructive - everything is explained very well.
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Gerhard Wäschle -
The AkuPen is handy and the associated online access to self-acupuncture is a real treasure: 1) videos with instructions for local acupressure, 2) Qigong exercises as a holistic complement to the topic, 3) TCM background information on the function and effect of the acupoints. 4) Still positive: the pleasant voice and precise guidance of the lecturer. 5) All in all: a great help and stimulation for self-responsibility for one's own health. thank you.
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Manuela Nast -
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Barbara -
I just bought the pen and I'm sure I'll get a lot of experience with it, but after two weeks I can already guess that it's a really good addition to shiatsu work. Thanks for this!
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Claudia -
Great product and very good explanatory videos 🤗
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Aleksandra Niemczuk -
Aku-Pen has very good quality and acupuncture instruction is very professional. Thanks a thousand
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Marita M. -
I am completely satisfied. Fast uncomplicated delivery and nice telephone service. I use both the acupen and the short yoga exercises very much.
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Anja Henschel -
Everything received, even if the video feischaltung was a little later
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Francisco Ramirez -
A great thing very practical
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Rainer V. -
The acupen is really great. Got it within 2 days. I currently use it to treat constipation and it works. I can now do without lactulose (milk sugar syrup). As a result, I also no longer have flatulence.
The application with the help of the videos is really simple.
So all in all, a great thing.
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Marion -
This purchase was a very good decision! The AkuPen is of high quality and can be used well. The accompanying videos are extensive and the use of the AkuPen very well explained. In addition, Wolfgang responds to e-mail inquiries within a very short time! A super service! Many thanks for that!
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natalie -
the acupen lies very well in the hand and has a pleasant weight. the tip is really like a needle and thus the point can be treated very accurately!
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Regina -
I am very satisfied with the AkuPen, I use it daily and it has a positive effect, currently on my neck pain, which has already improved significantly.
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Emil Metthez -
Hello Wolfgang! Yes thank you, I got the Akupen yesterday. I have already tested it. The size of this pen is ideal, it is good in the hand and the weight I like. About the effectiveness I can not yet report much, but my first experience with it, I can describe as positive.
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Anton -
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Christiane -
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Yann Benninger -
This AkuPen excites me and would buy him gene, can man with this pen also people with complaints treated or is this only for self-healing?
Greetings Yann
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Anonymous -
Info from my father, because it was a gift for Him
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Anonymous -
Very good explanation makes execution simple
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Birgit S. -
Thank you so much! Unbelievable how this acupen helps me. I would never have thought. The video instructions are very professional. All in all, highly recommended and helpful. Have great pleasure! Best regards
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Laura B. -
A great team! Exchange was possible immediately without objection due to processing errors. That is not usual. Really commendable. Also, great job!!!
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Gerlinde Böhringer -
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Jörg S. -
My wife uses the AkuPen. With the precise instructions in words and pictures, the points can be found easily and she records the first successes with self-treatment. Here, too, a lot of effort has been made to make the instructions really comprehensible, which has been absolutely successful. Another plus is the large selection of complaint images, which will probably also be expanded.
All in all, not only a good way to help yourself, but also a good introduction with a desire for more in terms of acupuncture and acupressure, in a broader sense, traditional Chinese medicine.
Again, fullest recommendation!
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Ursula V. -
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Elisa G. -
I am very satisfied, the acupen is handy and the video instructions are very easy to understand and follow. Thanks a lot
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Eva -
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inga Brandt -
Very well explained and great effect! Absolutely recommended 👍🏽
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Cornelia V. -
Great product, I am very satisfied. The pen is ideal to get into the depth of the tissue without damaging it. The instructions are very easy to understand and follow. The effect is quickly noticeable. I am thrilled.
The packaging is also aesthetically pleasing, it is fun to work with the AkuPen.
Kind regards
Cornelia V.
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Kornelia -
The Akupen expects all my expectations! This is smartly packaged, handy and has a good quality. The Akupen has done me incredibly well to get my sleep disorders and neck tension under control. The video instructions for the individual topics are excellently well done, explained in a way that is easy to understand, and personable to boot. The gentle musical accompaniment during the videos does tremendous good, especially when you are not feeling well. The Qi Gong exercises are also very beneficial for me, as I practice them regularly. All in all, I am very satisfied with Akupen, the video instructions on how to do it and the supplementary, detailed explanations on top of that. Simply top and definitely recommendable! I am very satisfied with it!
Supplementary: a big praise to Wolfgang and his work - maybe Wolfgang still has acupuncture points ready, so that I can get my travel sickness under control!
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Susanne -
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Isabella -
Thank you very much for the prompt delivery. Thanks to the really excellent video instructions for various problem areas, as well as the general overview of the individual points, I was immediately able to use the AkuPen with success. The AkuPen itself is very well made and fits comfortably in the hand.
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Margrit Kunz -
This pen is great, I use it every day!
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Joseph hill -
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Brigitte P. -
I am very satisfied, due to the well explained videos you can use the acupen correctly.
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Yolanda -
The pen and the instructions are great! Even my husband who was skeptical at first, is thrilled because the pain has completely dissipated after treatment 🙂
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Theres -
small but powerful. It light, beautiful pen which increases the efficiency of acupressure (according to video). The wooden case smells wonderful. An extremely good investment.
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Martin P. -
The AkuPen is very well made. It lies very well in the hand and a firm grip is given by the grooves.
The videos are very helpful and complement the pen very well.
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Andrea Z. -
Very handy, perfect for pulling the meridians, for trigger points and to loosen adhesions / hardening especially in the neck, neck, shoulder area. Simply ingenious, I am thrilled! Thank you!
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Anonymous -
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Gisela -
It is very precisely demonstrated and explained in the videos, needs little practice, works dan. As hoped for. Great
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Joseph P. -
Due to the accurate video presentation, good results are achievable.
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Peter Paul Brunner -
Super thing, great to treat yourself and relax during the day, thanks.
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Zeljko Stjepanovic -
After serious surgery on the head, I have long been looking for another alternative except chemistry, the AkuPen has helped me a lot, first slowly comes my sense of smell because I have lost back. I can only thank you for the viedeos and all the effort, a second AkuPen will be ordered soon. Thank you very much !!!
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Stefanie G. -
The AkuPen together with the instructions are a great support and easy to use. I take it every day and already notice success...thank you Wolfgang
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Raphaela C. -
... and I have already recommended it to others
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Christoph Guggisberg -
Mega great and thoroughly explained videos on common topics. The whole family has already benefited from it. The pen feels good in the hand. Gladly more videos such as autoimmune disease (lupus).
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Brigitte Selmer -
I think the information on this is very good.
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Rolf Vieli -
Very good videos.
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Margit Pauler -
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Anonymous -
I am very satisfied with the purchase! The AkuPen is great and the videos easy to understand. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised at how many different videos you can access!
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Christine R. -
Very well described in the videos. My neck complaints have already improved. I am thrilled.
Wolfgang, brings it across well. 👌👍
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Renate Scherr -
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Anonymous -
I think the AkuPen is great because you can help yourself.....😇(With the video tutorial).
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Jürgen -
super - has already helped me
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Andreas H. -
The handling of the AkuPen is very good, also that you can treat with both sides. The videos are easy to understand and the structure is very well done. Can recommend the product to 100%.
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Christine P. -
The AkuPen is really great, and the videos are sensational! Thank you
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Rolf -
Great and easy to use.
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Silvia Birkner -
I am thrilled, due to my temporomandibular joint disorder ( CMD ) I have multiple complaints. I have started with the acupen against sleep disorders. Yippy it works great. Instead of waking up almost every hour, I finally sleep 1 time 3 h. Then again 4 to 5 h. Thank you and best regards silvy
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Cornelia -
The acupuncture points against headaches have struck immediately. Madness!
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Isabella -
I find it just super explained, finally I feel like I know how acupuncture goes. Great job!
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Michaela -
Find the pen super. With access to the portal, you get a great tutorial on how to use the pen correctly for many complaints.
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