Qi Gong exercises explained
Exercise description
Starting position is the "riding position". This means that your feet are in a wide straddle. The distance between your two feet is approximately twice the width of your shoulders.
Breathe in and straighten yourself up inwardly correctly. Feel the connection of your head with the sky, via the "sky pass" (= highest point of the head). With the exhalation sink down and perceive your rootedness with the ground.
Inhaling bring your fists next to your flanks. With the exhale now thrust the right fist forward. With the inhale open the hand, make a cupping motion and bring it back to the starting position. With the next exhalation, thrust the left fist forward and bring it back inhaling. Then the fist thrust is to the right side and then to the left side.
Then the whole thing starts all over again with a fist bump to the front.
Frequently asked questions
I'm kind of embarrassed by this exercise, do I have to do it?
You don't have to do a qigong exercise, there are always other exercises to strengthen the corresponding organ. However, you should ask yourself why you don't like to do this particular exercise.
Are you afraid to express your anger or rage because you may never have been allowed to do so as a child? Can you allow yourself to really "let off steam" in everyday life, or do you keep everything bottled up? Dare to stand by your inner strength and power and show it to the world!
Can I do the exercise faster?
If we were doing "Gong Fu" (= Kung Fu), the speed of the fist strike would be much faster. In Kung Fu, one trains for defense in a fight. Qi Gong does not aim at self-defense, but at the care of health.
The slow execution of a movement has the advantage that you have time to trace an exercise with calmness. And that is very important, also with this exercise. The intention behind this exercise is important. As already mentioned, the intention is to let the liver energy flow freely again by consciously moving old "emotions" and other blockages from the inside to the outside.

Pro tip from Wolfgang
Fix a point in front of you with your gaze. The eyes are the sense organ assigned to the wood element. You "throw" the old energy exactly on this point. In this way you learn to focus your mind on one point or one thing.
Qi Gong Exercise Boxing - Element Wood
Most common errors
- The arm is thrust forward too quickly during the fist bump, causing the elbow joint to snap.
- The kneecaps are pushed out beyond the toes (viewed from the side).
- The fists are not drawn up to the flanks.
Training tips
- The right alignment at the beginning is important. See the "Basic attitude" for this.
- Internally connect with all stressful emotions and visualize a flow of energy rising from your upper abdomen and leaving your fist. As you inhale, imagine taking fresh qi into your body.
- Another way of self-monitoring is to film yourself with your smartphone and thereby identify errors in execution.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
This does not happen with this exercise. It is really very easy to perform. If, due to shoulder problems, the fist punch to the side is difficult, just do the boxing straight forward.