Bench photographed from behind

Qi Gong exercises


Open cloud gates

The exercise "Open Cloud Gates" is a beautiful Qi Gong exercise to Lung energy stimulate. This also includes the Colon Energy positively influenced, as the large intestine together with the lungs form the metal element. The Breathing deepens with hardly any other Qi Gong exercise so noticeably. At the same time, the physical and mental balance improves. Also the Shoulder mobility is improved by this exercise.

Exercise description

Starting position is the shoulder to hip width qigong stance. The thumb and index finger form a circle in this exercise by bringing them together. The thumb represents the lung energy, the index finger the large intestine energy. 

The exercise begins with a step to the side. So you move into the so-called bow step, which you already know from the exercise "pushing the wave". It is important not to make the step too big. So step to the side with your left leg.

Now shift your body weight to the front leg and with the inhale bring the arms up. Take a deep breath and open your arms. The gaze is directed upward. The back heel lifts off the floor. As you exhale, lower your arms and shift your body weight back onto your back leg. The arms go back behind the body.

Then inhale and start the exercise again from the beginning.

Frequently asked questions

What can I do if I can't extend my arm upwards very well?

Then please stretch your arms upwards only as far as is easily possible for you. Please remember to also lift your sternum up a bit and get even more erection.

Does this exercise help with shoulder problems?

I would recommend this exercise for various shoulder problems. It comes with this exercise to a very nice stretch of the chest muscles. This is often shortened and thus pulls the shoulder joint forward from the optimal position.

On the one hand, this causes a hunched back and on the other hand, shoulder pain can develop. However, to completely resolve shoulder problems, other exercises are needed and also the use of acupressure.

Portrait of Wolfgang Stemer for my TCM Qi Gong Academy, Simply Live Better

Pro tip from Wolfgang

This is again an exercise that you can do individually if you don't have time for a longer sequence, which should be the exception and not the rule! But, in the morning you can wake up your body wonderfully. You improve your lung function and create space for your breathing.

Qi Gong Exercise Open Cloud Gates - Element Metal

Most common errors

The bow step is made too large and as a result it is easy to lose balance in the exercise.

The arms are pushed back with too much effort in the up position instead of simply being stretched upward in length.

During the backward movement, the weight is not transferred to the rear leg.

Training tips

If possible, exercise again and again in front of a mirror or with the Record smartphone and then study this video for errors.

Do also regularly exercises from the "Silent Qi Gong" or another form of meditation. The inner peace gained through this also has a positive effect on qigong in motion.

Also, keep closing your eyes while you do the movement. This will help you to inner processes even more intensively.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

This exercise is very simple if you do not have a shoulder problem and does not cause any problems. If you have shoulder problems, you simply do not stretch your arms so far back, but lift them only to the noticeable barrier.

If balance is a problem, on the one hand it helps to control the alignment. The step must not be too big and the feet must not be too narrow next to each other, otherwise the position becomes very wobbly.

Graphic of man with drawn meridians lung and large intestine (meridians of TCM)
Helps with...
  • Breathing problems
  • Weakness & shortness of breath
  • Weak immune system
  • Lung diseases
  • Waking up between 3 and 5 in the morning
  • Mourning
  • Intestinal and digestive problems
  • Migraine
  • Allergies
Acupuncture Points

Qi Gong sequences

More Qi Gong exercises explained

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