Qi Gong exercises
Exercise description
Starting position is the shoulder to hip width qigong stance. From here, the head is moved once to the left back and then to the right back.
Inhaling turn the head back to the right. At the same time, the palms of the hands turn outward. It is important that the arms are as close to the body as possible to achieve an optimal stretch in the area of the chest muscles.
With the exhale, come back to the starting position. The next time you inhale, turn your head back to the left. At the same time, open your palms outward again. With the exhale, come back to the center in a relaxed state.
Frequently asked questions
I can't turn my head as far as shown in the video?
This is not a problem at all. It simply shows that the spine has lost its mobility in the upper area. Most often it affects the neck area. In this case, do the exercise only as far as it goes easily. However, keep picturing in your mind's eye how you can do the rotation effortlessly.
Can I do the exercise even with disc problems?
Do not do this exercise if you have been diagnosed with disc problems, as rotational movements in this case should only be done under control. Instead, do the "Connecting Heaven and Earth" exercise or one of the other Earth Element exercises.

Pro tip from Wolfgang
This exercise is particularly suitable for correcting malpositions in the thoracic and cervical spine. This has a profound effect on breathing.
Qi Gong Exercise Looking Backward - Element Earth
Most common errors
The arms are too far away from the body.
The palms are not rotated outward to the maximum.
Training tips
If possible, exercise again and again in front of a mirror or with the Record smartphone and then study this video for errors.
Do the exercise also sometimes in between. Best before a meal to stimulate digestion.
Also, keep closing your eyes while you do the movement. This will help you to inner processes even more intensively.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
With this exercise, the rotation sometimes causes problems, but it is never too difficult. In this case, just rotate your head as far as your body will allow.
Learning qigong also means learning to listen to your body. It tells you exactly what it likes and what it doesn't and where its limits are. You, however, have the task to show it through continuous practice that these limits can be expanded. And never believe your mind about what is possible!