Monk meditating

Qi Gong exercises


Regulate Qi

With this Qi Gong exercise you strengthen the Organ energies from Spleen and Stomach and thus your digestion. The two organs form the earth element and are especially important for our energy balance.

The Nutrition is, next to breathing, the most important "Postnatal energy source". A healthy earth element is a prerequisite for us to be healthy and vital.

This simple exercise is perfect for Reduce stress. I recommend again and again during the day to make small "energy breaks". This exercise, performed for 2 to 3 minutes, brings a lot of peace and gives strength.

Exercise description

Starting position is the shoulder to hip width qigong stance. Bring your hands in front of your lower abdomen. Inhaling raise your hands up in front of your body to your chest.

When you reach the top, turn your palms down and lower your hands in front of your lower abdomen. There you turn your hands up again and start the same movement from the beginning. So you raise your hands in front of your chest with the inhale and lower them with the exhale. 

It is important that the knees straighten when the hands are raised and bend again when the exhale. The whole body is thus involved in the movement.

Frequently asked questions

What can I do if I don't feel the energy in my body?

Simply continue with the practice of Qi Gong. Qigong, as we introduce it to you, is nothing remote, but something quite natural. I also like to use "mindfulness" instead of the word "energy".

When you feel your left hand consciously, something happens on the energetic level. It is the same with the rest of the body. Just feel yourself as well as possible during the exercises and try not to feel anything "special". This will only lead to the fact that qigong will no longer bring you joy and that sooner or later you will give it up.

Can this exercise also have an impact on my weight?

I say provocatively that you can lose weight with this exercise. Because it strengthens the energy of the stomach and spleen and these are responsible for an optimal body weight from the point of view of TCM.

However, the diet should also be adjusted. Also an aerobic endurance training and an appropriate muscle building training should not be missing.

Portrait of Wolfgang Stemer for my TCM Qi Gong Academy, Simply Live Better

Pro tip from Wolfgang

This Qi Gong exercise is one of the simplest of all. Nevertheless, its effect should not be underestimated. It gives us the opportunity to intensively feel our body through complex movements without external distractions. Learn to feel your body from the inside out.

Qi gong exercise regulate qi - element earth

Most common errors

The legs remain stretched the whole time.

The exercise is not done as slowly as would be possible from the breath.

 The feet are not aligned parallel.

Training tips

If possible, exercise again and again in front of a mirror or with the Record smartphone and then study this video for errors.

Do the exercise also sometimes in between. Best before a meal to stimulate digestion.

Also, keep closing your eyes while you do the movement. This will help you to inner processes even more intensively.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

This has never happened to me with this exercise. If standing is too difficult for some reason, you can also do this exercise sitting on a chair. You sit on the front edge of the chair.

Diagram of man with spleen-pancreas and stomach meridians drawn in (TCM meridians).
  • Spleen (Yin)
    21 acupuncture points
  • Stomach (Yang)
    45 acupuncture points
Helps with...
  • Digestive problems
  • Weakness
  • Emaciation & Overweight
  • Flatulence
  • Leg edema
  • Varicose veins
  • Menstrual problems
  • Weak connective tissue
  • Fatigue
Acupuncture Points

Qi Gong sequences

More Qi Gong exercises explained

2 thoughts on “Qi Gong Übung: Qi regulieren

  1. christine.khalil says:

    Does it make sense to make a circular movement at the end of an exercise when the hands are on top of each other on the lower dantian? If so, in which direction? Men and women in the same direction?
    Thank you very much ... Christine

    • Wolfgang Stemer says:

      Dear Christine,

      Yes, it can make sense to place the hands on top of each other on the lower dantian at the end of an exercise and perform a circular movement. This technique is often used in Qi Gong and TCM exercises to centre the energy and harmonize the flow of Qi.

      The direction of the circular movement can vary depending on the goals of the exercise. As a rule, it is recommended to circle clockwise, as this corresponds to the natural flow of energy in the body. Men and women can circle in the same direction, as the basic principles for harmonizing Qi are the same for both sexes.

      However, it is important to note that there are different exercises and techniques, and the exact instructions may vary depending on the specific exercise you are doing.

      I usually do it counterclockwise first and then clockwise.

      Have fun with Qi Gong.


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