Small round tea cup, tea is poured from a clay pot. In the background a large spoon.

Qi Gong exercises


Warm the center

With the exercise "Warming the center" you strengthen your water element with its organs Kidney and Bladder.

The hands resting on the lower back direct your focus to the kidney area. The rotating movement of the upper body stimulates the kidney and bladder energy, with positive effects also on the lower back. Back.

Exercise description

Starting position is the basic Qi Gong position. Your feet are hip to shoulder width apart. With a scooping motion, place your hands on your lower back in the area of the kidneys.

Inhale first and with the exhale turn your upper body back to the left. With the inhale come back to the starting position. With the next exhale, look back over the right side by rotating the upper body. Repeat this simple movement several times.

Frequently asked questions

I can't turn that far back?

Simply turn only as far as you can easily. In your imagination, however, you can always create the image that you can easily and effortlessly turn backwards. Your body reacts to imagination because your brain cannot distinguish between real and imagined images.

 Can I do the exercise even with disc problems?

Please do not do this exercise if you have problems with your intervertebral discs. Such problems always belong in the hands of an experienced doctor or therapist. He can then decide together with the patient whether an exercise like this is appropriate at the moment.

What you can do is to do the exercise in an upright position. Only the downward roll is not done. You just imagine again how you do the roll down. The upward movement of the hands can then be done again without any problems.

Portrait of Wolfgang Stemer for my TCM Qi Gong Academy, Simply Live Better

Pro tip from Wolfgang

During this exercise, visualize gently unwinding your kidneys in a twisting motion. When you come to the center, you feel an "unwinding", i.e. a relaxation of the kidneys. Like a sponge you "unwind" your kidneys, whereupon they can fill up again with fresh energy.

Qi Gong exercise warm the center - element water

Most common errors

The knees are rotated too much in the exercise.

The upper body does not remain erect when turning and tilts to the side.

The shoulders are pulled upwards during the rotation.

Training tips

If possible, train again and again in front of a mirror or record yourself with your smartphone and then study this video for mistakes.

Practice Qi Gong as regularly as possible.

Cultivate the inner attitude that Qi Gong with joy to be exercised, entirely without performance thoughts.


What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?

The fact that this exercise causes difficulties, practically does not happen. As a gentle alternative, you can also do the standing meditation for the water element.

Graphic of man with drawn meridians kidney and bladder (meridians of TCM)
  • Kidney (Yin)
    27 acupuncture points
  • Bladder (Yang)
    67 acupuncture points
Helps with...
  • Exhaustion
  • Weakness
  • Emaciation
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Infertility
  • Low self-confidence
  • Weakness of will
  • Hot or cold feet
  • Anxiety
  • Bladder weakness
  • Urinary urgency disorders
Acupuncture Points

Qi Gong sequences

More Qi Gong exercises explained

2 thoughts on “Qi Gong Übung: Die Mitte wärmen

  1. Angelika Hoffmann says:

    Thank you very much for the answer to my complaint. I have been doing the 5 elements Qi Gong for a few weeks and I like it very much. I have the problem of a cracking hip and have been trying to counteract it with these exercises. I am not quite succeeding. Thank you again for all the other exercises as well. Angelika

    • Wolfgang says:

      Hello Angelika. Thank you for your nice comment. We are very pleased that you like the program. Just have a little patience with your hip. It takes time until the body aligns itself optimally and then many complaints can sometimes simply disappear into thin air. Have fun with Qi Gong. LG Wolfgang

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