Meridian Yoga Exercises
Exercise description
Start the exercise from the upright standing position. Clasp your hands in front of your body and bring your hands up in front of your body's midline to above your head. Once at the top, your palms face the sky. During this movement, inhale.
With the exhalation, now turn your palms downward and let them sink back down in front of the body to the level of the pelvis. There the hands turn around so that they form a kind of bowl. Bend the upper body and continue to sink down until the hands are near your feet.
At the bottom you can relax briefly and get in contact with the earth energy. Then begin to breathe in very slowly and while you straighten the upper body again, feel your body inside and imagine how the energy flows upwards.
Place the hands in front of the heart again, where the palms turn upward toward the sky. Stretch upward again. Lower the hands again from the top to the bottom and "scan" the inside of your body in the meantime.
Thus, with this movement you harmonize each time more the 3 energy areas of the 3-fold warmer.
Frequently asked questions
Does this exercise help with problems with heat or cold?
This exercise can balance your internal metabolism. That is, also improve your heat regulation. That is, the body becomes able to better balance with the temperature conditions outside.

Pro tip from Wolfgang
This is for me the perfect exercise to balance the energy system in the evening and release everyday tension. Just do 7 repetitions of this simple exercise right before going to bed.
Another meridian yoga exercise for the 3-fold -heater meridian: Lotus
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Most common errors
The legs are stretched through, although the back of the leg tends to shorten.
The heels are not allowed to sink in the mountain position.
In the cobra position, the pelvis sags too much.
Training tips
If possible, always exercise in front of a mirror.
Record yourself with your smartphone and then check this video for errors.
What can you do if the exercise is too difficult?
If this exercise is too difficult due to lack of strength, you can alternatively use the Shell Stretch Exercise to activate the heart and heating circuit. This is done by placing the palms of the hands on the floor to address the cardiovascular meridian.
- 3-fold warmer meridian (Yang)
23 acupuncture points
Helps with...
- Cardiovascular problems
- Blood pressure problems
- Emotional problems
- Unrest
- Nervousness