The spleen meridian together with the Stomach meridian the Earth element. The earth element is assigned the late summer and the color orange. In addition, the transitional periods between the seasons are also assigned to the earth.
The earth element represents the center of our body. When we have a strong center, we have a lot of energy and vitality. The earth element is very crucial when it comes to our physical and mental health.
In TCM, the 5 elements are assigned properties and also the meridians and organs.
The spleen-pancreas meridian in detail
Course of the spleen/pancreas meridian
The spleen meridian begins at the inner nail fold angle of the big toe with spleen 01. From here the meridian now runs along the inner side of the foot along the arch to Sp 04. From there... Read more now
Disturbances in the spleen–pancreas meridian
Weak connective tissue and tendency to edema
Tiredness after eating
Tendency to obesity or diabetes
Tendency to brood and worry
Lack of concentration or mental "fog"
Key points of the meridian
Inner ankle
Harmony in the spleen/pancreas meridian
Strong tissue and well nourished body
Feeling of centering and stability
Vitality and drive
Clear thinking and basic trust
Acceptance and self-acceptance
Meridian yoga for balance of spleen/pancreas energy
In the following I would like to introduce you to ways in which you yourself can increase your energy and vitality. One way to do this is to balance the meridian energy. You can achieve this with the exercises of Meridian Yoga in a very simple way. The exercises bring you into a state of deep calm and relaxation.
Meridian Yoga
Balance for the spleen–pancreas meridian
This is a very challenging exercise for your balance. Through the exercise you stretch the meridians of the earth element on the one hand and on the other hand they help you to improve your balance. Only through a good grounding you can perform the exercise successfully.
Meridian Yoga
Makko Ho for the spleen–pancreas meridian
In this exercise you sit down in a heel position with your buttocks on your heels. The arms support the body. This stretches the spleen meridian in the area of the thigh.

Wolfgang's Pro Tip
Combine the two movement systems Meridian Yoga and Qi Gong and increase their effect. In the morning, when the body is still a bit stiff, you can start the day with 15 minutes of Qi Gong and get the energy you need. In the evening, you can let go of the day with 15 minutes of meridian yoga and regain your composure.
Qi Gong for balance of spleen/pancreas energy
Another very elegant and effective way to increase your personal energy comes from TCM. Qi Gong is a millennia-old art of movement, which is one of the 5 pillars of the Chinese medicine forms. The exercises are easy to learn and here I show you my 2 favorite exercises to balance the spleen-pancreas energy.
Qi Gong Exercise
Heaven and earth
The exercise "Connecting Heaven and Earth" strengthens the meridians of the spleen and stomach. One arm is stretched upwards and the other arm downwards. Quite intuitively, we often do this movement after getting up in the morning.
Qi Gong Exercise
View full moon
The twisting movement in this exercise causes a strong activation of the upper abdominal organs and thus the organs stomach and spleen. Besides the positive effect on the meridians of the earth element, these exercises also strengthen the spine.
Even more information about meridians and your health condition
You want to know more about your current state of health? Then take a few minutes to fill out our TCM questionnaire. This will give you information about which functional circuits of your body you can strengthen from the point of view of TCM.
Do you want to learn more about the meridians and their backgrounds? Then take a look at our meridian overview. Here you will learn all Meridians of the body in more detail.
TCM questionnaire
Find your optimal TCM applications
We invite you to invest a few minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire. As a result, you will receive your optimal treatments with herbs, acupuncture points and Qi Gong exercises.
TCM Knowledge
All meridians in the overview
The meridians are a central concept in TCM, which we encounter again and again in acupressure as well as in Qi Gong. Knowledge of these pathways can greatly support your health.
Course of the spleen–pancreas meridian in detail

The spleen meridian begins at the inner nail fold angle of the big toe with spleen 01. From here the meridian now runs along the inner side of the foot along the arch to Sp 04.
From there, continue to the inner ankle and up to Sp 06, which is a hand's width above the ankle.
The journey continues along the lower leg upwards to the end of the tibia, to the point of Sp 09. Here the meridian runs upwards on the inner patella edge to Sp 10.
This acupuncture point is located on the thigh, which it follows upward on the inner side toward the groin. More precisely, it runs between the two muscle cords M. rectus femoris and the M. vastus medialis.
It runs up this line along the thigh and goes 3.5 cun outward in the area of the groin at the level of the upper edge of the pubic bone. From here, it now runs diagonally upward across the building area. 4 cun wide past the navel.
Continue up the lateral thorax to MP 20 which is located directly below Lu 01 is located in the second interrib space.
Finally, it goes to the end point the MP 21 down into the 6th intercostal space directly in the axillary line.