Video: The element of water explained + Qi Gong Mini Workout
The water element represents the quietest time of the year and the power of regeneration. If you look at nature, you can see that everything has now drawn inwards. Nature is hibernating and regenerating itself so that it can blossom again in the spring.
In the last post "The element metal", I have already mentioned that the water element is called the "Great Yin". Yin is the receiving force that brings us inward. In winter, it is obviously most pronounced. Everything in nature has come to rest.
Man, too, is not unaffected by this inwardly directed force. We also feel that we have less energy available in winter. We tire more quickly and are not as efficient as in the warm season. At least not in the long term. In the short term, of course, we can certainly maintain a high level of performance. But over time, we over-exhaust ourselves in this way. This can lead to a Qi deficiency, which has physical or psychological effects.
From the point of view of TCM, the kidney has a very important function. It is the storage place for our inherited energy. This is called the "constitutional energy". It forms the basis of our life.
All bodily functions need this original energy to function optimally. Besides the inherited energy, we have the possibility to fill up energy through nutrition and breathing. Whether these two energy sources, which form the "postnatal Qi", can refuel the Kidney energy is controversial. Even experienced TCM therapists disagree.
But the fact is that man dies when the kidney energy is depleted. In the course of life, a decrease in kidney energy occurs naturally. This depletion is ultimately unavoidable. However, if one takes in energy regularly through diet and breathing, the kidney qi will be conserved.
The fact that kidney energy decreases in the course of life can also be seen in the human body. To do this, you need to know what the water element is associated with.
The water element is basically associated with old age, which is the last phase of human life. Physically, it is associated with the hair, teeth and bones. Even if we sometimes do not want to admit it, we know that the hair turns gray with age and sometimes even falls out. The teeth are also subject to the "ravages of time" and deteriorate the older we get. Bones also become brittle and fragile. In technical terms, this is called osteoporosis. Bone density decreases more and more because more bone substance is broken down than built up.
From an eastern point of view, these are all symptoms of decreasing kidney energy - which, as I said, is completely natural. However, if this process happens too quickly, it will cause physical or emotional ailments earlier in life. Back pain, dental problems, knee problems, general lack of vitality, sexual problems are just some of the complaints that can occur when kidney power gradually decreases.
The cycle of the 5 phases of change
The water element is formed by the kidney and bladder organs. The kidneys also include the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone adrenaline.
In TCM, the adrenal gland is called the "fire kidney". The term fire indicates the Yang. This refers to adrenaline, which is a strong "yang hormone" and makes us fully active and ready to fight in a matter of seconds.
Adrenaline is a stress hormone and, if not broken down, has negative effects on the entire organism. Animals shake themselves after a fight and thus simply dissolve the stress reaction in the body.
An antelope is chased by a lion and fortunately survives. Now you can see how the animal shakes itself and then grazes peacefully again a few minutes later. The adrenaline has been released and the antelope is no longer stressed.
Our lives also sometimes feel like a battle. Even if there is no real aggressor, we react to too much work, professional and private problems with stress. If this happens regularly, then stress hormones are constantly in the body, which are produced by the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland gradually becomes tired due to the constant production. This can then go to the kidney substance.
The kidney, as an organ, has the task of filtering water and excreting it through the bladder. With the pair of organs kidney and bladder, the connection is very obvious.
It is similar with the liver and gall bladder, which form the wood element. With the fire element, to which the heart and small intestine belong, this connection is already more difficult to see.
But back to the water element. In general, everything that strengthens the kidney and bladder is beneficial for the water element. And since the kidney is so dominant, one often speaks only of the kidney energy and leaves the bladder virtually under the table.
Not that it is unimportant, but it is so closely coupled to the kidney that it is simply taken along with it. Unless it is a bladder infection, then it is very important!
The most common imbalances in the water element
In the water element, from the point of view of TCM, the following diagnoses occur most frequently.
A deficiency of kidney qi, which means that the kidney energy is exhausted.
Then there is the increased variant of a Qi deficiency, which is then a Kidney Yang Deficiency. Here the organ is weakened on a deeper level. Recognizable from the outside by the lack of body heat. The person has cold hands, feet and the lower back can feel cold. He is always cold. Such a person can walk around with a thick sweater even in summer.
Another energetic imbalance that is very common in the water element is the Kidney Yin deficiency. Here there is a lack of cooling and nourishing function in the body. The body runs hot inside, because there is a relative Yang surplus. Because the yin is too little present. And therefore there is apparently too much Yang. Heat symptoms then arise, such as sweating at night, restlessness and sleep problems.
All symptoms that actually indicate too much activity and thus Yang. But this form of heat is called "empty heat". It does not arise because the Yang (heat) is too strong, but because the body is cooled too little, by the too weak Yin.
This often affects older people, because it already takes some time for the yin to become exhausted. Basically, we can say that the Qi can be exhausted very quickly. The Yang needs quite a bit longer for this. And the Yin needs years and decades, until it is then at some point in the deficiency.
Women in the menopause are very often affected by this. Here, the body has already broken down substance, which is also evident in the frequent occurrence of osteoporosis (bone density deficiency) in women.
From a Western point of view, estrogen, the female sex hormone, is the main hormone that decreases during menopause. Estrogen is the yin among hormones, if you will. When it becomes less, symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats develop.
Why at night? Simply because this is the yin time. Symptoms always appear at the corresponding time of day and night, in this case at night.
Restlessness is another symptom, but extreme mood swings also trouble the woman during this time. Sleep can also be disturbed and this makes things even worse. This is because the Yin regenerates mainly during sleep.
Now you are caught in a vicious circle. Little Yin has the consequence that the quality of sleep becomes worse. Poor sleep in turn means that the Yin decreases even more. It is really exasperating! It is a relief to know that TCM can offer an effective way out of this dilemma - and has done so for thousands of years.
In men, the situation is different. In them, the testosterone level gradually decreases in the middle of life. Testosterone is a "yang hormone". Thus, there is a kidney-yang deficiency, which can manifest itself with decreasing vitality, disc problems and potency problems.
The good news is that in both cases Chinese herbs in combination with acupressure, Qi Gong and a few dietary tips can work wonders. I can confirm this from my own practice and also many TCM therapists know that eastern medicine helps very well here.
This is certainly because yin-strengthening herbs exist in Eastern herbal therapy. In our Western herbal therapy, there are very few yin-building herbs. And these are not as potent as the Eastern ones. For example, one chew is field horsetail. Warming and thus yang-building herbs, on the other hand, are plentiful.
The water element also has a lot to offer from the psychological point of view. The person of the water type, like the metal type, has a spiritual energy. In contrast to the metal, it is even more inwardly directed. The water type loves seclusion, where he can reflect and philosophize about the world and the meaning of life. He is interested in art, ethics, religion and philosophy. He is concerned with finding the fundamental meaning of life. Why are we here? He often asks himself this question and so he tries to find out the mystery of life. He is a person with depth.
The emotion of fear is assigned to the water element, but also fear. When fear develops in an uncontrolled way, panic arises. Shock can also be assigned to the water element.
You can see that we are dealing here with feelings that can really "get to us". We know examples where someone got gray hair overnight after a shocking experience. The hair on the head, as we already know, is associated with the kidney energy.
When the kidney energy is out of balance, you can see it very soon on the face. Dark circles form under the eyes and the person looks tired and exhausted. If there are dark bags under the eyes, this indicates a kidney-yang deficiency, in which fluids accumulate.
Many therapists assume that fear is one of the basic emotions in our lives. The basic fear of death has a greater impact on our lives than we think. We basically do not really want to accept our finiteness. This may also be why we cram our daily lives so full of activities. We feel we don't have enough time to get everything done.
Many struggle with existential fears. Fear that we or our loved ones will get sick. Fear of being alone. Or there is simply the fear of fear. Because fear does not always have to be explainable. It can also become a part of our being. The feeling of fearfulness can, like a veil, lay itself over life. Often no real reason can be given why one feels this way.
TCM has an explanatory model here. When the kidney energy slowly begins to deplete due to our way of life, the feeling of fear can arise. I am not talking about a natural fear here. It makes sense to feel fear while climbing a rock face. If you are facing a bear, it would be reckless not to feel fear.
Fear wants to protect us. But fear always has to do with a feeling of physical constriction. Fear causes the energy to flow worse, it virtually freezes. That's why you can't move from the spot when you're extremely afraid. It can also happen that you pee your pants because the bladder can no longer hold. A sign that the water element is completely overwhelmed with the situation.
The element of water explained in traditional Chinese medicine
The following properties are assigned to the water element:
-The winter
-The cold
-The wisdom of old age
-The salty taste
-The emotion of anxiety and fear
-The bones and teeth
Signs of imbalance in the water element
When the water element is out of balance, the following problems can arise:
- Diseases that are considered Cold consequence occur: Cold, cystitis, cold hands and feet.
- Back pain in the lower part of the spine, disc problems, especially if they are made worse by cold.
- Problems with the Ears: Tinnitus, hearing loss, hearing loss, balance problems.
- Bone problems: Osteoporosis, poor bone healing.
- Diseases of the Urinary tract: frequent cystitis, renal pelvis inflammation, irritable bladder.
- Emotional Problems: Anxiety, fear to the point of phobia, fear of crowds, confined spaces, fear of heights, large places, existential fears, fear of new and unknown things.
- Diseases that always appear in winter: Colds, coughs and respiratory problems, urinary tract infections, impotence, frigidity.
Back to harmony
Qi Gong
In the video I show you 2 Qi Gong exercises that specifically strengthen the Kidney Qi. But they also strengthen the Yang and Yin of the Kidney, so they are suitable for all the mentioned imbalances in the Water Element.
The exercises are called "tapping the kidney" and "pushing the shaft". In the first exercise we make a bending movement, then a stretching movement and at the end we tap the kidneys. This activates and strengthens the kidney energy and at the same time relaxes the "fire kidney", i.e. the stressed adrenal gland.
The second exercise has the quality of flowing water. The movement should feel like waves rolling onto the beach and then flowing back into the sea. The rhythm of breathing creates a movement that has a positive effect not only on energy, but also on the lymph of the body and blood circulation.
The complete Qi Gong program that you have learned so far in our course is now ready and takes about 30 minutes. In each phase you have learned 2 exercises.
Half an hour is a manageable amount of time to invest in your health. If this is still too long for you, you can also find shorter Qi Gong programs on our homepage on various topics, such as strengthening the back, improving sleep, strengthening digestion, strengthening the immune system and developing concentration.
The entire 5 Elements Qigong sequence consists of the following exercises:
-Tapping massage to warm up
-Qi awakening
-Liver squat (wood)
-wave rainbow (wood)
-Cloud Hands (Fire)
-Open Heart (Fire)
-Connecting Heaven and Earth (Earth)
-Looking at the full moon (Earth)
-Sky support with rotation (metal)
-Open cloud gates (metal)
-Kidney knock (water)
-Push shaft (water)
-final massage
Of course, there are acupuncture points for strengthening the water element. I'll show you two very important points here. One for the kidney and one for the bladder. There are more important "water points", but these are my personal master points.
NI 03 - Big torrent
Source point of the kidney meridian. Strengthens the Kidney Yang and Kidney Yin.
Location: On the middle of the line connecting the inner ankle and the Achilles tendon. A pulse is also palpable there.
Helps with: chronic low back pain, knee problems, coldness in the body, micturition disorders (problems with urination), sleep disorders, tinnitus, infertility and loss of libido in men and women, fatigue, anxiety, irregular menstruation.
BL 10 - Pillar of Heaven
Important acupuncture point to improve sleep, strengthen the eyes and relax the neck.
This is an important local point for the eyes. Excellent for back of the head or crown headaches due to tension. It is used for almost all eye problems. BL 10 is very popular as a remote point for acute, bilateral and deep back pain.If you treat this point with the AkuPen During the treatment, circle your pelvis in both directions for a few minutes. This will release the back tension even better.
Location: Approximately at the level of the hairline on the outer side of the palpable trapezius muscle.
Helps with: Neck pain, eye problems, parietal headache, nasal congestion, rotary vertigo, insomnia, restless mind, memory problems.
Herbal medicine
Chinese herbs
Eastern herbal therapy, often referred to as the queen of TCM, naturally also has the right substances for the water element. We recommend granules or pellets of Chinese herbs because of their ease of use.
The cooked version in the form of a decoction is very effective, but for many simply too impractical. The herbs need to be freshly cooked every few days, and often twice in a row.
Below I present you 3 herbal mixtures that act specifically on various imbalances in the water element. The first two act on the kidney and the third mixture helps with the onset of cystitis.
W 19 - Rehmannia mixture
This blend specifically strengthens Kidney Yin and is especially beneficial for menopausal women. It builds up the Yin and thus reduces menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, sleep problems, restlessness and depressive feelings.
W 20 - Strong back, strong essence
Especially for lower back pain, this mixture strengthens the kidney yang and kidney yin. In TCM, this is called "strengthening kidney essence". It also helps when you are generally exhausted because "something has gone to your kidneys".
W 21 - Bottom discharge
This mixture works very well for cystitis in the early stages. Of course, cystitis must always be clarified by a doctor. We do not recommend self-therapy here in any case.
But if you feel discomfort when urinating, so you can often intercept an infection with this mixture. In this case, take up to 40 tablets throughout the day. It is important to eat fresh ginger additionally or to drink it as tea. Furthermore, this mixture can also be used for swelling and water retention.
Western herbs
Western herbal therapy also knows good herbs for kidney and bladder. Here I would like to name a few, which can be taken in the form of a tea.
To correct kidney qi deficiency, you make a tea from: hibiscus and unripe raspberries in equal parts. Then add half the amount of rosemary and mallow each. This makes a wonderful tea that tastes great. The slightly sour taste of the unripe raspberries causes a "contracting movement" which preserves the Qi.
A Kidney-Yang deficiency is the aggravation form of the Kidney-Qi deficiency and is already somewhat more difficult to correct. Here a mixture which strengthens the Yang. It consists of very many hot and warm herbs:
Cinnamon bark, cloves, licorice, ginger, juniper in equal parts and then add twice the amount of fennel seeds. This tea can be rounded off with a squeeze of lemon, as it slightly softens the hot effect of the herbs.
A Kidney-Yin deficiency cannot be corrected as effectively with Western herbs as with Chinese herbs. Nevertheless, it is possible if the deficiency is not too pronounced. However, a great deal of patience is always required with a Yin deficiency. Yin build-up simply needs a lot of time!
Here you use the following mixture: Hops, lady's mantle, St. John's wort, yarrow, lavender and lemon balm in equal parts.
Finally, I would like to wish you much joy with our 5 Elements Qi Gong Course wish. You now know all the exercises and have the opportunity to take your health into your own hands. A few minutes a day can make a big difference in your life. Be worth so much to yourself and give yourself this daily time out to regenerate. We can all use it right now!
I am happy if you also share this knowledge with others and thereby also help them to a healthy and happy life.
Hello Wolfgang,
a very nice page and well demonstrated exercises. I have linked this page for the participants of my workshop. Two little things about the final massage: many people (especially women) find pulling down the facial muscles rather unpleasant - the face is pulled into a "negative emotional expression". I find a gentle upward stroking movement and subsequent massage of individual parts of the face more pleasant. Perhaps it should also be mentioned that men should use their left hand to emphasize the final hand position on the dantien, whereas women should use their right hand. Many thanks for the good suggestions and best wishes. Kerstin
Ni 3 outer ankle? Isn't it rather the inner knuckle that is meant?
Hello Irene. Thank you very much, I have corrected it. you are absolutely right, the dot is inside the foot. LG Wolfgang
Hello Irene. Thank you very much for this tip. We have just corrected it. LG Wolfgang