We would like to show you the main 12 acupuncture points that will help you rebalance your energy system.
How acupuncture and acupressure works
Imagine the Acupuncture Points like switches. If one or more of these switches is "turned off", a congestion occurs, which leads to problems in the body.
To "turn on" the switch again, you just have to press the corresponding acupuncture point. You will learn how to do this in the videos. I use the AkuPen for this purpose, because with it you can locate the acupuncture point with millimeter precision due to the pain stimulus.
Of course, the stimulation of the acupuncture point also works with the fingers. Press the acupuncture point between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
The Qi, central concept of TCM, can be understood as subtle substance, which is expressed in the form of breath, air, energy, but also thoughts and feelings.
An emotion is nothing more than energy moving in the body. When we get angry, it rises and makes us boil, so to speak. When we are afraid, the energy freezes and we with it. If we feel comfortable in our skin, the energy flows through us unhindered and lets us relax and come to rest.
Qi is a form of life force that flows through special pathways called meridians. There are 12 main meridians and 2 important special meridians, on which the acupuncture points are located. These meridians are connected with each other, so that the energy can flow, in the optimal case in 24 h once through all meridians.
However, if there is congestion on these meridians due to bad habits or stress, it can lead to physical or psychological complaints. With the help of acupuncture points you have an easy way to release these congestions.
81 acupuncture points explained
TCM Knowledge
Acupuncture Atlas
In our free acupuncture atlas you will find 81 acupuncture points explained in great detail. Use these points for acupressure.
Which acupuncture points help with which complaints? Use our search and find the right acupuncture points.
Acupuncture Points Self Treat
The innovation - The AkuPen
With the AkuPen, developed by us, you have the possibility to make a "self-acupuncture" at any time. You simply puncture the right acupuncture points with the pointed end of the AkuPen. You can find them in our online library.
Specific treatment programs are also suggested there for many complaints.