Interesting facts about acupuncture

The theoretical background of acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing methods in the world. This therapy method is now known to very many people. As part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM for short, acupuncture has proven its worth for thousands of years. It is estimated that its history of origin dates back about 4000 years.  

There are also many acupuncture points in the face

One of the oldest healing methods in the world

In complementary medicine todayAlso known as alternative medicine, acupuncture has become indispensable. Optimally, conventional and complementary medicine complement each other. Both can positively support the healing process of people seeking help.
Just like conventional medicine, therapy methods such as acupuncture, acupressure or shiatsu also reach their limits.
Acupuncture Points and their associated meridians (energy pathways) represent a complex, energetic network. However, this network is not anatomically detectable, which does not detract from the effect. Meridians can be thought of as an electrical network in the body through which energy and information flow. These channels, with the acupuncture points located on them, have the function of supplying all organs, tissues and cells with vital energy. This energy we are talking about here is called "Qi" or "Chi" for short in TCM. There is no equivalent for this term in the West. Nevertheless, we use this energy term quite often in everyday life: "I just don't have the energy today", "he's just bursting with energy", or "I feel full of energy", are frequently used phrases.
In this system, the acupuncture points have the function of "Organic switches". With them, certain functions of the organs or the energy can be influenced. The doctors of the East assume that the body is also through the acupuncture points constantly in an energetic exchange with its environment.
Through the acupuncture points, the body releases old energy and absorbs new energy, so to speak.
That is why these points are also called energy gates. In simple terms, acupuncture points can be used to regulate the body's energy system. The experienced therapist therefore has an almost endless spectrum of possibilities to support his patients. The large number of points (365 classical points) gives an idea of the complex system we are dealing with here, and how extensive the area of application is.
On our website you will find the most important acupuncture points for the treatment of various complaints. The exact location and indication of each point is given. To understand all this and find the points there is a video. 
With this in mind, we wish you much success and joy in using the healing points.

One-sided strengthening of the soul without culture of the body is the first mistake - but one-sided formation of the body without culture of the soul can keep you in the yin state for several lifetimes.

Chinese proverb

The acupuncture point DI 04 is pressed with the AkuPen from Einfach besser leben, a graphic shows the point

Acupuncture applied practically

The most important acupuncture points

Acupressure is the optimal therapy tool to bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. To give you a quick insight into the method, I will show you the 12 most important acupressure points with which you can treat many of your problems.

to the acupuncture points

Stamp for "Top Secret" in red

The 3 sources of human energy

The Mysterious Life Energy Qi

Life is energy and to live we need energy. Where we get this energy is clearly researched and defined in TCM. Knowing the different sources of energy helps you to raise your energy level without outside help.

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