Topic: TCM explained

Qi Gong Exercise: Twist

This exercise balances your wood element by specifically stretching the liver meridian. This stretch...

Qi Gong Exercise: Liver Stretch

This exercise balances your wood element by specifically stretching the liver meridian. This stretch...

Qi Gong exercise: boxing in all directions

This exercise balances your wood element. The energies of the liver and gallbladder are harmonized...

Qi Gong Exercise: Cloud Hands

This exercise is another way to balance your fire element. In doing so...

Qi Gong Exercise: Open Heart

With the exercise "Open the Heart", or also called "Open the Chest", we want to open the horizontal expansion...

Qi Gong Exercise: Wave Rainbow

This exercise is another way to balance your wood element. Specifically...

Qi Gong Exercise: Clear Qi

This exercise balances your wood element. The energies of the liver and gallbladder are harmonized....

The element of water

Winter ends the year and so it is with the 5 elements. The...


The element metal

In autumn, we see everything retreating inward. Seasonally, we embark on a...


The element earth

The earth element is basically responsible for food intake and utilization (metabolism). The corresponding organs are...

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