What is acupressure?

Finger pressure for more life energy

Acupressure is, briefly described, acupuncture without needles. In this treatment method, certain acupuncture points are pressed with the finger and thus stimulated. The result is a wonderful relaxation and harmonization of the entire body.

Acupressure can be used in many different ways.

When we suffer from headaches suffer, our fingers instinctively move to the painful spots on our head. If our knee hurts, we rub it. If our stomach aches, we automatically place our hands on it. Acupressure has been working according to this principle for thousands of years.

It is believed to have originated from observation, the effectiveness of various points. As part of TCM, its purpose is to release blockages in the body, by means of pressure of the fingers or hands on certain points. This allows the blocked energy to flow again and we not only feel better physically, but also our mood lifts.

There are in our body about 400 such points, which in turn are located on meridians. For their part, the meridians have the important task of connecting organs and body structures. The Acupuncture Points take over the task of switches that can activate very specific functions.

Unlike acupuncture, acupressure does not require needles. This has the advantage that acupressure can also be used on oneself. Provided you know where the points are, because these should be hit with some accuracy.

Basically you need to know how to acupressure a point. There is a possibility to massage the point in a circular way or just to press it, and the intensity of the pressure varies, depending on the method. This requires some experience.

Most patients are helped by following this approach: Trigger a "feel good" pain that you can still accept well and wait for it to relax with pressure. If it doesn't resolve, a 50 % decrease in pain sensation is also progress. You just try it again the next day.

Best you do yourself an acupressure, 1-2 times a day. So once in the morning and once in the evening. This way you will achieve the best results. Because with acupressure you can alleviate the most diverse complaints.

Whether it is muscular tension, joint or digestive problems, back and neck pain, headaches or simply lack of energy and stress. When performed regularly, acupressure brings relief in these and other cases.