The acupuncture point Bl 02 is located at the inner end of the eyebrows. Directly below it in the inner corner of the eye is the first point of the Blister meridian Bl 01.
Folded Bamboo — Zàn Zhú
This is an important local acupuncture point for the eyes. It expels external wind from the face. Therefore, it is helpful for facial stics, fascial paresis and trigenimus neuralgia and other eye conditions.
Since Bl 02 also soothes the liver, it can be used for all liver patterns: red eyes, blurred vision, mouches volantes and headaches around the eyes or behind the eyes.
This is one of the main points for the treatment of headaches and sinusitis (sinusitis).
- 攒竹 (zàn zhú)
- Bl 02
- Zusammengelegter Bambus
Helps with:
Eye problems, Sensitive eyes, Fascialis paresis, Glaucoma, Headache — eyes, Headache in the forehead area- Represents wind
- Clears the eyes
- Routing clearing
- Satisfies pain
Together with the acupressure point PaM 3 it forms the so-called "anterior magic triangle". This name is to emphasize the importance of these points. The point is used quite often.
This acupuncture point is pressed with the tip of the AkuPen for 30 to 45 seconds, or simply until the pain stimulus dissipates.
If this feels uncomfortable, you can reduce the pressure or work with the round end of the AkuPen.
The acupuncture point Bl 02 is pressed with the thumb for 30 to 45 seconds.
Acupressure can be repeated several times a day in case of acute problems.
Needle vertically or obliquely. 0.1 to 0.3 cun depth of penetration.
The best of acupuncture and acupressure
AkuPen with online library
When you buy the AkuPen, you get access to our online video library, where you can find many Complaint patterns find. Wolfgang shows you in the videos exactly where the acupuncture points are located and guides you through the treatment.
Meridian: Bladder
The bladder is the partner organ of the kidneys and is connected to them via the ureters. In Chinese medicine, the bladder is assigned a larger sphere of influence than in Western conventional medicine. Its task is to excrete the urine coming from the kidney...Learn more now >
Features: element water
- Winter
- Salty
- North
- Ears
- Fear
- Courage
- Kidney
- Bladder