Acupuncture Point Lu 01

Central Treasury — Zhōng Fŭ

Lu 01 is one of the most important acupuncture points of the lungs. It helps to move and calm the lung qi. It is often used for breathing problems such as asthma or COPD.

Since it is located on the upper chest, it is relatively easy to reach and can therefore be used very easily for acupressure in between.

Application:   How long should you press the acupuncture point? 30 seconds     How hard should you press the acupuncture point? medium
  • 中府 (zhōng fŭ)
  • 中府 (Chufū)
  • Lu 01
  • zentrale Schatzkammer, Zentralpalast

Helps with:

Allergy chronic, Asthma, shortness of breath (dyspnea), Bronchitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Shoulder problems, sadness
Effect from the point of view of TCM:
  • Lung qi regulating
  • Promotes the descent of the lung qi


If this point is painful, it is especially important to take care of breathing and thus the lungs. It is the point which has the strongest effect on the lung organ itself.

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Meridian: Lung

The lungs take in the oxygen that is so vital for us and send it to the cells via the blood. In return, it releases the excess carbon dioxide when we exhale...
Learn more now >

The Lung meridian runs from the outside of the pectoral muscle across the inside of the upper and lower arm and ends at the outer nail fold angle of the thumb.

Features: element metal
  • Fall
  • Sharp
  • Vests
  • Nose
  • Mourning
  • Clarity
  • Lung
  • Large Intestine
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