Acupuncture Points


Location acupuncture point Gb 20 graphic
Acupuncture point of the day
Acupuncture Point Gb 20
Woman gets an acupuncture needle stuck in her forehead

The 5 pillars of TCM


Our life energyQi flows in the body along meridians. If the flow in these meridians is disturbed, blockages occur and, as a result, diseases can arise. Acupuncture resolves such disturbances by inserting needles into acupuncture points, which cause the Qi to flow again.

How acupuncture works

Cup surrounded by several herbs from TCM

The 5 pillars of TCM

Herbal therapy

Plants and minerals form the basis of Chinese herbal therapy. This pillar is called the queen of TCM, because it has a very powerful effect on the body when used correctly. Nowadays there are modern ways to take the herbs, which are very easy to use in everyday life.

TCM herbs, and what you should know about them

Man is pressed one acupressure point on the back

The 5 pillars of TCM


Massage has been used in TCM for thousands of years as a natural form of treatment. In Tuina, the Chinese healing massage, blockages and hardenings are released by kneading, stroking, grasping and tapping. In acupressure, precisely defined acupressure points are worked on by means of pressure.

Acupressure: Application & Effect

Graphic with the meridians of Chinese medicine

TCM Knowledge

All meridians in the overview

The meridians are a central concept in TCM, which we encounter again and again in acupressure as well as in Qi Gong. Knowledge of these pathways can greatly support your health.

All meridians of Chinese medicine

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